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this plot literally came to me in a dream
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"Hi, Kallisto. This is John. John, this is Kallisto, my middle sister."


"Aww, you could've called me your medium sister and we could've done a bit."


John is... going to sit here and continue to be embarrassed apparently? Yup, that's what he seems to be doing. Even if he should probably be saying hi? He should probably be saying hi. 


Still going to sit (okay, stand actually) here and be shrunk into himself and be embarrassed, though. 


(He's so cute.)


"Oh, you are gone over this boy."


"Very much so, yes."

She finally gets around to sitting down and taking off her skates.


Okay, so, now would be a really good time to introduce himself!!! 

"Uh, hi, I'm um, John," he says, putting out his hand and wincing a little (mostly internally!) at how foolish he sounds. (Wait, didn't Rosy just introduce them already? Fuck. Well now he looks extra foolish. Fuck.) 


"So I've heard! I see my sister's rabid infatuation is mutual."

She very cheerfully shakes his hand.

"Kallisto Blake, delighted to meet you. You and Rosy are very cute together."


He blushes a little at the compliment (it's a compliment, right? It seems to be. Okay.) and shakes her hand back (possibly a little too long) and says "Thank you," and then continues to shake a little too long (fuck) and realizes his mistake and lets go and says "Uh, nice to meet you too," and then continues to feel foolish (damnit). 


"Oh, you are exactly the sort of Eugene Fitzherbert my sister can't stop swooning about."


"I resemble that remark."


"Eugene Fitzherbert?" he says, trying to figure out why that name sounds so familiar. "Right! Eugene Fitzherbert. Wait. Why am I a Eugene Fitzherbert?" He's pretty sure that wasn't meant as an insult but also he's not sure what she meant by it.


"You're all... flusterable. And sweet and puppyish. But in a charming sort of way. It's all very Rosy-bait."


"Oh. Well, thanks, I think?" The words don't feel like compliments but she seems to mean them that way (or at least positively?) and so he should probably take them that way? He'll take them that way. "I'm, um, glad? I like Rosy." Yup, brilliant conversation he's having. "I mean, I'm glad she likes me?" Yup, totally better (damnit!). "I mean, um, I'm glad I have traits Rosy likes because I like her and want her to like me?" Okay, less terrible. He should quit while he's ahead. 


"I feel that I should be approaching you in the manner in which one approaches a frightened deer."


What? Oh, because he's... being foolish. And dumb. "Sorry, I'm, um, I think I'm just a bit flustered," he says. He takes a deep breath, and tries to collect himself. "There. Okay. Less frightened deer, more, um, man?" Okay that was foolish still but he's not supposed to be acting foolish so he mostly manages not to wince. "Anyways, um, hi." Nope, still being foolish. "I mean, um, so, um..." he trails off, trying to think of a topic of conversation. "Do... you like movies? We saw Hunger Games recently, I don't know if Rosy told you about it." Well, so much for finding a good topic. 


"She did mention a thing or two. Apparently you have opinions about dystopias. Would you like to come inside and discuss them? Or, alternately, come inside and disappear off with Rosy to celebrate her upcoming magical enslavement?"



He blushes a lot. "I, um, er, um," he sputters. "Um, I... the first one? Probably?" he says. (The first one is more polite and the right thing to do. Probably. Right? He should be polite and meet her sister despite his inability to form coherent sentences. He really should try to form coherent sentences.)


"John, are you doing the thing again?"


What? "Um, which thing?" What is she talking about-- Wait is this the thing where he's supposed to ask for things that he wants or something? And not not do that? But that doesn't apply to people who aren't Rosy, and that's her sister, and he should be doing the right thing with her sister! "Um." maybe, he fails to say, because he doesn't want to let (what was her name? Callisto, right) Callisto know that he's doing the wrong things. (Fuck, what is he supposed to be doing?) He lets out a soft squeak. 


Rosy pats him on the shoulder. "Please excuse us," she says to Kallisto, "I need to go reboot my boy."


"See you later," she says agreeably.


Right. Boy → room?


John winces a little at the implied description of how he's been um, well, that he needs a reboot, but he can tell Rosy doesn't mean any malice by it, and he is happy enough to get out of the situation (even though he really should be doing the right thing here) that he doesn't argue or complain (mostly) and lets himself be led away. "I, um, sorry about that," he says softly enough to not be overheard, once they're out of earshot. "I... sorry. She caught us and I... I'm sorry." 

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