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this plot literally came to me in a dream
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She pulls her mouth away, very reluctantly, with a last soft little kiss.


He sighs a little regretfully, wishing his body wouldn't act this way, but... also very glad of everything that just happened. Again. (How is she so good to him?) "That was... really good," he tells her, looking down at her. "Fuck that was good." 


"Mmhmmmmm," she agrees, beaming up at him.


He giggles, despite himself. "I'm glad you had a good time too," he says. (She very clearly did. It still feels unfair to him, and now that he thinks of it he still hasn't given her an orgasm (directly), but she still seems to enjoy it.) "Are you doing okay? Do you need help getting up?" He frowns suddenly. "Wait, do you need the tea? You probably need the tea, don't you." he pulls his flashlight out and goes around behind her to find her backpack, and specifically to locate the tea. So he can give it to her. Because her throat is sore from um, things that he did. (He has complicated feelings about that all of a sudden.) 


While he is doing this, Rosy is sitting on the floor grinning up at him with utter love and joy. (And maybe some lust. Just a little.)

"'mokay," she says, though she has to cough a little to get the words out. "Tea good. Love you."


(It's so good how into him she is. The look on her face is... fuck, it's so good.) 

"I'm glad," he says, feeling extra guilty about saying it right now (she just gave him a blow job and he's returning her love with merely basic appreciation when she deserves far better!) but saying it anyways. He locates the tea, takes it out of the side pocket, unscrews the top, and hands it to her, shining his light on it so she can see. 


Tea! Happiness.


She's very cute. John patiently awaits her drinking her tea, zipping himself back up in the meantime.


She drinks some tea and clears her throat a few times and drinks some more tea.

"Okay, that's better. Did you know, my love, that you're incredibly, fantastically hot?"


"I... what?" He blushes. "What'd I do? You're the one who um," he looks down at where she's kneeling, (at where his cock is), and blushes some more. "You're the one that did all the um, hot things!" 


"You're the one who grabbed me and kissed me and made me all melty. And talked about the sexy outfits you want to see me in. And told me when and how I was permitted to suck your cock. And held me down while you came down my throat." Tiny squirmy wiggle.


"You're the one who waited," he says, trying to find the words to counteract her own. "That was um, really hot by the way. Oh! And you're the one considering actually designing and making an outfit for me! Are... you really going to do that? You don't have to." It would be really hot, but it feels far too much to ask. 


"I want to!"


"Oh," he says, embarrassed but pleased, shrinking a little. "Well okay then. I'm glad." Should he mention the hat? She said she's going to see it on youtube, he probably doesn't need to mention the hat. And she doesn't need any more criticisms. Whatever she makes will be probably really good no matter what. 


"Actually, while I'm thinking about it, I should make notes." She shifts around to sit cross-legged on the floor and gets out her notebook. "Remind me of all the details again? Add more, if you like!"



He shines the light so she can see what she's writing (important!), and tries to explain (despite all the feelings about doing so).

"Um, a um, miniskirt," he says, gesturing with his free hand. "With um, gold sequins? And then um, straps, um, up the sides, um, around the breasts? With red ones." He's not sure why the red and gold color scheme, she can use whatever colors she thinks are best, but he's said it now, oh well. "And doing something in the back, you said um, um, around the back of the neck might be best with the, um," he blushes furiously, unable to describe more for the moment. 


"With the jacket?" she says, noting down the jacket.


"Yes, the jacket," he says, still blushing. "With the um," he tries to gesture underneath his non-existent breasts with one hand, and fails. "And the button. And um, maybe ending, um," he indicates a position only slightly further down, just above his stomach. "Um, here? If that's, um, okay?"


She holds the notebook briefly closed in one hand so she can hug his leg. "You're adorable." A quick cozy kiss to his outer thigh, because it's there and she loves him and wants to kiss him. "I promise, my love, your slave will be thrilled to dress like a very fancy slut for you."



(She's very cute though.) 

"That would be really good," he says, blushing a lot (and getting slightly turned on).


She unhugs his leg and finishes noting down the button and the length of the jacket. Important details.

"What else?"


"I, um, I'm not sure?" he says. (Wait, is this the thing again? It might be the thing again.) "What about you, do you have ideas?" he says, as a delaying tactic while he tries to figure this out. 


"Hmm, let me see." She reviews her notes. "Miniskirt with gold sequins and red suspender straps meeting into a halter neck. Single-button suit jacket just long enough to do interesting things to my breasts, and the collar should be high enough in the back to hide where the suspender strap runs. Should the suspender strap also have sequins? Will there be shoes with this outfit? I feel like some kind of shoe situation would contribute a lot here but I'm not sure exactly what to go for."


(He blushes as she describes everything.)

"I was, um, thinking red sequins on the strap actually," he says, feeling bad that he's almost contradicting her. (Though she asked about sequins...) "In terms of shoes... man, I don't know. On the one hand, heels are hottest, but I have no idea if you have any experience walking in those, let alone dancing." And porn (which, now that he thinks about it, might not be correct, but this seems right at least) tells him that walking in heels takes practice, so. "It might be better to have, I don't know, gold sneakers? Even if those are much less sexy."


"My beloved, my dearest, my lord-to-be, I am already going to be learning how to pole dance for you. Learning how to pole dance in heels is not that much added effort. But what kind of heels? And what base colour on the straps, if you didn't want red? Or—I'm not sure I'm understanding you right."

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