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this plot literally came to me in a dream
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(It's really hot that she's going to be doing that though. Like, damn.)

"I, um, er, I hadn't really thought about, um, base color," he says. "I guess it makes sense that you'd want one? Same color as the sequins, probably?" Though wait, what effect would it have if it was gold sequins on red fabric and vice versa? It might be neat? But, he's already said the other thing, and it's too late now, and besides he doesn't want to add any further complications. "I don't know anything about shoes," he says. "Heels especially. Um, high ones?" 


"Objects have to have colours, John! Rule zero of fashion design! Can't get away without 'em!"

She kisses his leg again and clarifies her design notes appropriately.

"So there's two directions I could go with this," she says, tapping her pen against her lips as she contemplates shoes. "Thin strappy sandals that are mostly just there to keep me on my toes and decorate my legs a little, or something more substantial. I think, for visual balance and aesthetic coherence, something more substantial works better here. Though I definitely want to try the thin strappy sandals sometime on a different outfit. But I could have, like, gold glittery shoes... I'm thinking slender heels, a round toe, hopefully not too much of a platform..." She scribbles all this down. "Red soles, those'll show under the arch of my foot and they'll call back nicely to the suspender straps." Tiny happy bounce. "It's going to be so pretty!"


He watches her work, grinning. And she's so happy about this! (Is now a good time to mention the hat? Now might be a good time to mention the hat. He should mention the hat, right?) "I, um, one other way to um... have visual balance..." he trails off, feeling mildly trapped and foolish. 


"Mhm?" she encourages.


Well, he's done it now! "I, um, in the original, um," he reaches up with a hand and tips an invisible top hat. "They had, um, hats? Glittery gold ones and stuff. Top hats. Um. I think, that...  might also work and be pretty? And stuff?"


"Oh that's so cute, I love it! Glittery gold top hat with red felt lining." She jots that down.


She's really clever about the colors (and also doesn't dislike him for making suggestions!) it turns out. The red lining will be really pretty if she like, spins the hat or something like they do in the original, doing various tricks and stuff. 

And while he's thinking about the original... "I, um, also, you could, um, I don't know, have a bow tie somehow? I don't know how to color that though. But it could work?" 


"It could be gold, maybe with a red accent? I've never worn a bow tie so I'm not entirely sure how the practicalities will work out, but I can look into it!"


"That works!" he says. That's everything right? Besides the fabric thing which he has no idea how to say because it's too late and there's no way to do so. But that's okay, right? Progress! (Is it really ok, though? Doesn't she want him to? But... No, he's made progress, he doesn't need to do the right thing, right?)


He dithers in place, hoping Rosy won't notice in the darkness and bad lighting. 


She finishes noting down the bow tie and looks up from her notebook.

"Turmoil, my love?"


(He should have predicted this. Every time he tries, he fails.) 

"I, um, had an idea, earlier?" he squeaks. 


"Ooh, do tell!"


He.... oh fuck it "when you mentioned the fabric backing thing I thought it would be obvious that it should be the same color and said so but then thought it might be interesting and do neat things if it were opposite colors but I had just said the other thing and so couldn't say it" deep breath "but now you like want me not to lie to you even about little unimportant things and you wanted all my ideas and I couldn't not tell you this idea because it was being asked for but also I don't want to make things more complicated so, um," another breath "here we um, are?" 


"...please do feel free to make design conversations more complicated by having thoughts and opinions and ideas? That's sort of the foundation of a design conversation?" But also he is having a hard time and should get cozy leg hugs.


"Oh." Her hugs feel good, and her love feels good. Comforting and refreshing. "I... I just don't want to make things worse," he tells her. "Or harder. You're already doing so much!" 


"So much... fun exciting sexy fashion design that I enjoy and look forward to?"


"I mean... I guess? It just seems like a lot of work! And it's not fair to ask you to do so much and stuff." Is he digging himself a hole again? He might be digging himself a hole. 


"No!!! Continue inspiring me!! Ask me to do things and if I think they are too much work I will tell you so with my own words!"


That's not really how it works in his experience (especially when he's the one being asked), but... Rosy does seem the type to buck the trend. "Okay," he says. "Okay, I'll try." 


"Thank you. Much appreciated." She bonks her head affectionately against his leg.


He makes a small affectionate satisfied noise and reaches down to pet her hair. "So, um, yeah, I um, I have no idea how it works, but I thought the red on a gold background, and even more so gold on a red background might um, have a cool effect when you move? I could be wrong though, I have no idea how this stuff works and you probably know better than me." He pets her hair some more (petting her hair feels surprisingly nice). 


Happy cozy leaning. Little wiggles.

"Understandable! I could definitely try it. Or maybe mix some contrasting sequins into each colour, so the skirt is mostly gold with a little red, the straps mostly red with a little gold..."


Oh that could work. "That's neat!" he says, still petting. "I'd want to see that, if it's not, um, I mean, I'd be happy to see that." 


Approving legsnug. "I'll see what I can do!"


More petting. Okay, so now then, um, "So what now?" he asks. 

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