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this plot literally came to me in a dream
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Oh right! Yes. The car stable, of course. He follows behind her, and slips inside through the gate to retrieve it from the bike stand so they can head back to her place. 


"I should figure out when exactly I'm going to finish mapping the house and then wake it up."


"That makes sense," he tells her. "Is there some way I can help?" He feels slightly guilty for keeping her from doing it this time around, and wants to make up for it.


"With what? The mapping, or the scheduling? You probably don't want to help with the mapping, I'll be traipsing all over the house. The scheduling is more relevant to you. We should figure out how we're budgeting our time through tomorrow night."


Right. Fuck. "I should figure out if there's any way I can get mom to let me sleep over." It doesn't seem likely. "That would help with scheduling, I bet. But also, yes, we should figure that out. What did you have in mind?" 


"Well, when would you like to come over tomorrow? Earlier means more time together, later means more time for me to flit around the house finding all its secret passages and scouring the closets for a mattress for that ridiculous bed. And do you want to be present when I wake the house, or would you rather I wake it without you, or would you rather I not wake it at all yet and we do the whole ritual-release-ritual sequence using my bedroom as our base of operations for non-ritual interactions like cuddles and my lord taking his slave's virginity?" (Shy little wiggle.) "If it matters to your decisionmaking, the old house is a lot more convenient to the ritual site than the new house, it's practically in the old house's backyard."


John thinks about it. Earlier does mean more time together, but later means more time to do homework (and practice his lines!) and try to convince his mother to let him sleep over (somehow, possibly by getting all his homework done?) and would mean he didn't have to traipse through the giant house in the dark. Of course, even though she says (and means?) she doesn't need his help, he still feels like he should help. 

"The house does sound more convenient," he says. (Also the thought of taking his slave's virginity is hot.) "Possibly I might want to show up later? I should do my homework, and try and convince my mother that I can sleep over, as long as you're ok doing things in the house on your own?" That was a silly thing to ask, of course she is. "I might want to see the house wake up, though, as long as I'm not in the way? Or well, what's involved in that?" 


"It's not too complicated. I just have to show my light and tell it I'm a Blake, and ask it to wake for me. But then it'll want to show off a little, so we should maybe be aiming to wake it just before dinnertime, and start prepping the ritual right after dinner?"


"Sounds good to me!" No sitting completely silent naked with a wristband in a circle this time. "So I should show up at what, around 4 or 5?" That should give him lots of time to get homework done. Maybe this could work as a way to convince mom that he can sleep over? With a lot of dad's help. 


"Yes, that sounds about right."


"All right," he says. "I'll try convincing my mother to let me sleep over tomorrow, possibly by telling her that I'll get all my homework done first. Which I will. I'll let you know how that goes. Unless you have any other ideas?" He probably shouldn't suggest changing minds using magic. That would be wrong. Even if it's a very little thing and he wants to do it here. It would be wrong, even though everyone would benefit. (Especially himself.) No, this is a bad path to go down. 


"You know your mother better than I do. Good luck!"


Oh well, so much for that idea. "I'll do my best," he says, half-despairingly. Maybe if he also does all the chores he's been missing out on too, that should help, right? And cleans his room finally? He can do all of that tomorrow, he's pretty sure.


Encouraging smile.


He smiles wanly back. "Is there anything else you want for me to prepare for tomorrow or anything like that? Or that I should do, or can help with? Before we get back to your room, for um, makeouts?" How close are they getting anyways, can he tell yet? 


The gate is just visible up ahead, with the new house beyond it.

"I think the only things you have to prepare for tomorrow are your lines and your desire to own me. And hopefully permission to stay over."


"Well at least one of those is ready! The first two, really, I just want to get more practice in to be extra sure. But um, one of those is definitely ready." (Yeah, he is so excited to own her. And make her kneel. And take her virginity. He's getting turned on just thinking about it again.) 


She grins at him.

And lo, the front door! Where John can leave his bike!


He can! He can leave his bike there and then kiss her! (He'll need to catch her before she starts taking off her skates but bikes are faster than skates and also he's motivated. Apparently thinking about all these things has just made him really want to kiss her.) 


But she has these skates to—nope. Kisses. She has kisses.


He pulls her close and... leans up to kiss her (slightly weird feelings about that, but the skates add height of course), and kisses her, and kisses her some more, thinking about all the things that they're going to do tomorrow, and feeling her love for him, and maybe possibly just a tiny bit getting carried away...


He's very good to get carried away with.



Kissing Rosy is very very good, and... huh. John is starting to get the feeling that... they're being watched. Shit. He looks past Rosy and... jumps back a little in alarm and embarrassment (That's probably one of her sisters isn't it. He was just making out with Rosy in front of her sister. Fuck.)


"At last I meet him! My sister's mysterious paramour!"

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