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this plot literally came to me in a dream
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"Well, do you want to see more house, or would you rather go back to my bedroom and make out with me?"


(Still petting.) On the one hand, making out with her sounds really really good. On the other hand, he did just cum, and he cannot immediately do it again so soon. (On the third hand if he's not going to have an orgasm he could make her have one, fina-- no, that went pretty badly last time. Bad idea.) And back on the second hand, as long as they don't wander too far, well, sometimes fun things result. "I'm torn," he tells her. "How about: is there anything else we can find that's um, fun, or of um, potential interest," without having to walk too far, he fails to say. Fuck! "Um, nearby?" he manages after far too long a pause. (Damnit!) 


She considers. "How interested are you in wine? Personally I'm not, but there's a wine room and if you liked wine I could show it to you and you could boggle delightedly."


"I know absolutely nothing about wine. Well, okay, that's not true. I know that old wines are supposed to be better than new ones. And that they come in colors? And that they're made from grapes?" why is he saying these words stop "Okay so I know several things about wine, but not the like, wine aficionado things." 


"So that's a no on the wine room. Dork." Affectionate headbonk. "In that case I think we've hit most of the highlights unless you want to see the kitchen, which I'm told is a monster, or the billiards room, or maybe the first-floor offices? We could look at the first-floor offices and have secretary thoughts."


John is slightly curious about the kitchen, just to see it (but this doesn't compete with makeouts), and not interested in the billiards room at all. The first floor offices on the other hand (at least, when she mentions what they're for)... that gets his attention. "I, um, that sounds like it could be fun, actually," he says. 


"First-floor offices it is!"

She carefully closes her tea and tucks it back into its spot on the side of her backpack, and puts her notebook away, and then hup! Onward to adventure! Specifically, up the big round stairs.


And John (who has no idea how to navigate this place) follows behind her, up the stairs, trying to think about secretary thoughts. (Mostly he is thinking about that time Rosy was under the desk with the clothespins. That was a good time.) 


Up the stairs, toward the front door, a right along the lovely front hallway, and into... the billiards room, actually, though it may be a little hard to recognize under all those dust covers. She marches right through it, and through a cozy sort of living room area with lots of couches and a fireplace, and then down a short hallway.

The main first-floor office is prety big, probably at least twenty feet on a side, with its own fireplace and an enormous bay window. It also has, if you turn back toward the door (which Rosy does), a sort of window or opening with a little countertop, set into the same wall. It's hard to see what's behind the countertop, exactly, but Rosy looks at it with a deeply thoughtful expression and then turns to John and says, "Wait right there," and slips back through the main office door into the hallway they just came out of.


John, confused, waits, peering through the door with his flashlight to try and see what she's up to. 


She trots to the far end of the little hallway, takes a left, and emerges into the room behind the counter!

"Ha! Thought so!" she says, shining her flashlight around. "My love, this office has a second offfice for the secretary!"

She comes up to the countertop and leans out over it, grinning at him.

"I know it's not as readily accessible as having a desk toy, but just imagine it! Me in here, in my sexy secretary outfit, clacking away on a typewriter... you out there, working on something else, calling me to the counter whenever you like... maybe a little bucket of clothespins right here," she gestures at one end of the countertop, where a little bucket of pens and pencils might ordinarily go.


He perhaps would rather have a demure and eager desk toy (to suck his cock and stare up at him with desire), but what she proposes is also appealing. Especially when she mentions the clothespins. (Very especially.) He smiles "so you could lean over on an order and let me apply them, or play with the ones already applied?" That does sound appealing. "And if I want a desk toy I can always order you in here to um, take dictation, yes?" 


"Mmhmm!" Happy bounce. "You could even be sitting at your desk and order me to come to the countertop and not even have to get up while I put clothespins on myself for you, and play with them for you, and maybe even beg to be allowed to sit under your desk and hurt myself while you work."


His cock twitches. Yup. "That, would um, all of that would be really hot. Um. Really hot." He almost wishes she could demonstrate, but that probably be a bad idea (why?) and um... be selfish or something? No, he did like, just cum. Another time would be better. "Yeah really hot."


Grinning and bouncing. "I'm so looking forward to it."


Fuck, so is he. "You're not the only one," he says. "Um, is there anything else? I suppose..." he's doing the thing again isn't he. "Sorry, no. Unless there's something else you think I should see, we could go back to your place?" And make out, he doesn't quite manage to say, but it's more or less implied. 


"I would love to go back to my place."

She leans across the counter to kiss him.


He kisses her back, feeling himself stiffen slightly, hidden behind the counter. He.... might want to make out with her a lot more. But this isn't the best position, and he'll be able to do it somewhere with light and with a bed. So he slowly releases the kiss, looking at her. "Shall, shall we?" he says. 


She sneaks an extra kiss onto his cheek.

"Yeah, let's go."

Back out the door into the hall. Is he coming?


Yup, he's traveling towards where he thinks she went so he can run into her. (Metaphorically, though doing so literally in the dark like this is a possibility, so he moves slowly and carefully.) 


It's a very short hallway and she won't be hard to find. She beams at him and leads the way out a side door of the living room type place, which takes them into the big courtyard between the wings of the house.


John follows! And is very glad to be back outside, even if the light is certainly starting to dim. He can see! Mostly. "We should get the lights in there figured out," he says. "It's dark in there." He's stating the obvious, and feels slightly foolish about it, but it's still true, and it is the reason that he wants the lights working. 


"The lights will come up when I wake the house. C'mon, let's get your bike."


"Yeah, I know it's a big endeavour and will involve waking the house, it was just a lot darker in there than I thought it would be n" Now, where did he leave his bike again? 


Rosy is leading him across the courtyard to the other wing, where his bike is waiting inside the 'stable'!

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