Theo and Sadde in Cardcaptorverse
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"Hello, Sadde," he says, not particularly approvingly nor particularly disapprovingly.


Theo smiles at his dad, grabs Sadde's hand, and starts dragging him over to the stairs. "We should probably get to doing some homework now, shouldn't we, Sadde?"

Plus, he might be a little excited. He does not want to be excited anywhere near his dad, thank you very much.


"Suuure. Homework."


Theo's dad rolls his eyes and goes back into the kitchen, saying, "Have fun."


Theo yanks on Sadde's arm a bit more in response, his smile turning into a bit of a grimace.


Sadde follows, still grinning.


Upstairs they go!


A bit later, Theo will suggest that they return downstairs for some food, since his dad, being all kind and fatherly and such, has probably made some food. Possibly some miscellaneous pasta thing. Theo likes miscellaneous pasta things.


Wow. Theo sure knows a lot about food doesn't he.

"Hey, Mr. Farron," he says when they're downstairs.


"Hey," says 'Mr Farron'. "Call me William."

He smiles. "Fun day at school?"


Theo indeed does know a lot about food โ€“ look, it is some miscellaneous pasta thing! With a tomato sauce.

It is also rather tasty, and Theo puts some into two bowls then grabs his and gets to eating.



"Uh, it was school."


Theo's dad laughs. "I'll take that as a 'oh yeah, definitely', then."

He shakes his head, then says, "So how've you been? I haven't seen you much since we were introduced โ€“ and actually, how did you two meet? I don't think Theo ever got around to telling me."


Theo. Has nothing to say to this and will keep eating his pasta.

He also has a super bad poker face and is pretty rubbish at lying to his dad. He'd probably have said 'library' or something if he were to respond to this, so he'll let Sadde handle it.


"He ran into me at the bus stop and was instantly smitten, love at first sight, that kind of thing. It was like magic."


Theo snorts and looks at Sadde a bit incredulously.

Then his face softens a bit. "Yeah, something like that," he says.


William looks between them, raises an eyebrow, and says, "Right then."


"No, really, I only managed to seduce him later, we met because there was a ghost lady following him and I was the only one who could see her."


Theo laughs again.


And William looks at Sadde, still with the raised eyebrow. "Sounds like you two are having fun, then."


Well, that just has to make Theo giggle.

He's eating. Eugh, Sadde, how dare you make him giggle, and while he's eating no less.


"Yup! We're capturing and learning how to use magic cards that might bring catastrophe to the world if left unchecked using only our wits, a pink magical staff, and the help from a beast guardian in the form of a winged stuffed bear."


And Theo continues to giggle.


"Huh," says his dad. "What sorts of magic cards are these?"


"Oh, there are bunches of them, and they range from absurdly powerful to only useful as a prank. There's one called The Glow, its entire purpose is creating floating balls of light, but there's The Time which can even stop or loop time!"


He raises the other eyebrow. "Sounds pretty detailed. What sorts of catastrophes?"

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