Theo and Sadde in Cardcaptorverse
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Well, he's got Jump, so he can hop right over, and Sadde has Fly, so they should both be fine, right?


Pretty much!

"Fly!" Sadde calls, holding said card and getting winged feet, which he uses to get in.


"Jump," says Theo, and then he proceeds… to jump.



The park is large! But not that large. Eventually they will find the duplicated fountain, with a cord around it.


Well, that's fine, because a cord doesn't actually prevent them from looking, does it?

So he looks around it a bit, trying to spot any obvious differences between the fountains.

"This is kinda stupid," he says. "Even if we do spot a difference, this isn't, like, evidence that it's the Twin, it could just be a shoddy job."


"Maybe you could, like, meditate around it or some such?" he asks, doing jazz-hands when he says 'meditate.'


He rolls his eyes. "Sure."

Then he looks for a patch of cleanish ground, sits down, activates the key into a staff, and starts to meditate.


Absolutely nothing magical whatsoever about the fountain.


Anything magical about anything in the surrounding area? Except for his cards, Sadde, and Kero, of course.




Well, in that case he will come out of his meditation, tell Sadde that there was nothing magical about the fountain, and stand up with the staff.


"Well, that's boring. Was the fountain supposed to be magical?" he directs this question to Kero.


"If the Twin made it, no. It's just a copy. It'll disappear once the Twin is captured, though."


Theo tilts his head and frowns a bit. "So, we're stuffed then? There's no way to tell if it's magical unless we find the actual card, and the card is not in evidence, so we just have to wait for it to appear if it's even the cause of this?"


"Pretty much."


He sighs.

"Maybe we should wait a few minutes, just in case the universe decides to be nice for once and makes stuff happen conveniently."


"Erm. Just. Like. Wait here?"


"... Yeah? Just for a few minutes, in case anything happens – we can talk or I can play on my phone or Kero can tell us some more about Twin in case it is Twin, or we could go exploring and look for some other duplicated stuff?" He tilts his head again and seems to consider it a bit. "It was just a suggestion, since it seems a waste to come here, find nothing, and leave. "


"Well, I mean, we can do that, but I think it's really unlikely anything useful will show up in however few minutes we stay around," he shrugs. "But, spending time together in general's nice, and here's as good a place as any."


Theo smiles at that. "Yeah. And it's probably quite a lot more likely that it'll happen if we spend fifteen minutes here as opposed to if we spend like five."


"Yeah." He looks at Kero, who's floating alongside them now. "What's there to know about the Twin?"


"The Twin copies things, but it can only create one copy. To capture it you need to capture both halves at the same time."


Theo doesn't look very happy about that. "… And how do I do that? Seeing as I have just the one staff. And just the one me."


"You need to disable them at the same time, close to each other, and then capture them."


"Disable how? Like, attack them until they fall unconscious, if they can do that, or tie them up with rope, or what?"

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