Theo and Sadde in Cardcaptorverse
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Sadde looks at Kero.

(So puntable.)


Kero is so puntable.

Theo sighs, frustrated. He gets out his phone and looks at the news, because he hasn't done that in a while, and it's possible that the card has made waves.

Who knows.


There are a few possible relevant things, like a disappearance, workers' protests, a house fire, a duplicated fountain...


Okay, well, the protests are probably irrelevant, the disappearance might be relevant, but it's at least not necessarily magical, and then the same goes for the house fire. He reports these things to Sadde and suggests they should possibly go check out the fountain?

He looks to see if there's any more information about it.


There is! Apparently a copy of a small fountain in a certain park appeared next to it last night, fully functional. It's suspected to be some form of public art exhibit, but no one has claimed authorship so far.


… Right. That sounds potentially mundane, but it's possibly probably not. He relays this information to Sadde and says, "So. Do you think this might be it? Because I think we should probably go check it out."


"There's a card that copies things, isn't there? I remember a card that copies things."


"Yes, the Twin."


"Ssso that's a 'yes, we definitely need to check it out', right?" He gets up. "Should we go now, then? I can leave my dad a note to say I'm out with you or text him or something…"


Sadde raises an eyebrow. "What about homework?"


Theo frowns a bit. "You… you know I was joking about that, right?" He tilts his head, confused. "I've done all my homework for like, tomorrow, Friday and Monday."


Now he raises both eyebrows. "Really? Wow, talk about a dedicated student. I hardly ever actually do homework."


"It's not like I get much anyway? And it's all really easy, so." He shrugs. "But anyway, let's go? You should probably actually do some homework at some point, but right now cards might be a little higher priority."


"Fffiiiine, lead the way."


Theo rolls his eyes, but stands up and runs upstairs to fetch his bag with the cards in and everything.

He comes back down the stairs, then he says, "It's not that far away, so we should be able to get there and back pretty quickly, but how do you think we can actually work out if it is the work of the Twin? I mean, if it's a super accurate copy it's probably not just a mundane copy by someone for an art thing, but I dunno?"


"It will have a small difference. There's always some small difference between the copy and the original that the Twin creates."


Theo nods. "Okay, so, I think we're ready to go?" He raises his bag in evidence and then makes as if to leave.


Kero hops into it!


"Yeah, do let's," he says, packing his homework stuff.


Theo raises an eyebrow, but when Sadde has indeed picked up his stuff, off they go.


Thank god and the queen for public transportation!


And also, y'know, the Department for Transport and the TfL, but sure, let's say god and the Queen.

But they do eventually get there after a bit of public transport and some walking and slightly awkward navigation.


It's a park, like many other parks.

It is also a closed park.



"Really? It's like five or something."

Theo looks around assessingly. Can he jump a gate or something and get in anyway?


Not without magic, he can't.

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