Vanda Nossëo visits a planet with dragons
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A show of strength would get dragons to take you more seriously, Warden comments after learning about the practice of security fairies. Teleportation is scary but does not scan as an overwhelming power that cannot be defeated on an emotional level. That causes us to grow defensive and want to intimidate or avoid you. But a show of strength like effortlessly lifting a huge boulder would cement you as superiors in raw power and lead to greater respect.


Huh. We can send more fairies in and have them move things around.


I would not guarantee my insight is true in all cases, but I am glad to provide it and answer your questions as well. With the comb returned to you, it is knowledge for knowledge and I still have many more questions. Which I thank you for answering.


You're welcome! I love teaching.


Warden has more questions, then!

After about an hour and a half, We have reached my patience for conversation for now. If I return tomorrow at dawn and rest midday I will be able to speak to you again in the evening. Would this be acceptable?


Yes, that's fine by me.


Very well. Goodbye for now, Yávemar. I look forward to tomorrow.


Goodbye. Yávemar returns to her little camp.


The Elf sent to the supposed territory of Darktooth the Wise may notice a strange eagle settling on a tree nearby and watching them intently.


Hello, the Elf tries, addressing the eagle.



I who oft serve as an Envoy of the dragon known as Darktooth am called Ember, o two-legged visitor. While my own mind is limited, I understand your importance. My parent-of-spirit has heard rumors from the spirits of wind and the watching owls of your arrival. Visitor from another Reality, I have come to answer your Song of Annunciation. I greet you on Darktooth's behalf.


My name is Artië and I am pleased to meet you, replies the Elf. I am curious what the rumors have to say.


I am pleased to meet a new mind as well. The rumors speak of a great change and strange visitors who appear and vanish as they wish, wielding powerful magic. Lord Darktooth watches many things, and has seen your (clan/web) interacting with the Humans, have seen you approach dragons as well. They have heard your claims of peaceful intent, and seen your starship high above, and concluded that you are not the Others which caused the time of woe so long ago. Lord Darktooth remembers that time personally.


I'm curious to learn more about that if it wouldn't distress him to discuss.


I am not sure. My lord considers it a sacred secret; Part of the Test of Wisdom put forth to urge improvement in young and impulsive dragons. O Artië, I ask for myself in this case - what drives so many minds to go forth and help others? My first thought is that you expect to benefit from this, growing the structure of power that you are a part of, or that you simply Love more than your own family, as some kinds do.


We do care for people outside of our own family, yes. Everyone, everywhere.


Those who love another are often furthering their own essence at a remove. They love their children, siblings, or even the whole of their species. But to love everyone, everywhere, why do you do that?


We have values other than to further our own essence. Though as it happens cooperating with others on a grand scale is a good way to become powerful and wealthy and many do pass that on to their families.


Yes, the mysterious tendency of minds to create such complications as 'values' other than mere survival... I would enjoy discussing philosophy with you or yours some other time. For now, I have been bid to ask what you would ask of Darktooth, what the nature of your (web/hive) is, what your intentions are towards we, the empowered children-in-spirit, and deliver all this news. Either they or I will return to you before this day is out.


We would like to have lines of communication with all of the peoples of this world, and it seems that dragons and the animals like you that live with them are all peoples unto themselves and Darktooth one of the greatest. We have things to trade. Vanda Nossëo has many member states, whose people vote to join, and everyone can move around freely between any places that will have them to learn from and enjoy all the parts of the multiverse that appeal to them. We are construing empowered animals like you as people and are not as sure about those who haven't been empowered; I believe one intelligent swarm of rats, not belonging to a dragon's entourage but still not a typical rat family, has already moved to Vanda Nossëo. However, our normal operations include trying to displace as much meat consumption as possible and we're pushing that harder on this planet because it seems likely even unaffected animals are somewhat more important to protect than those from other biospheres.


The eagle bows its head from upon its branch and declares, I will leave now to bring this news. As I said, an answer will come today.


Two hours later, an enormous flying figure swoops down from over the mountains, before landing in a loud rustle of wind and the thump of something heavy hitting the ground, hundreds of feet away. This dragon is even larger than Allmother is, a figure that might not fit down a city street.

Hello. I am called Darktooth. It is good to meet you, envoy. Whenever there is a great change in the world, we must meet it with due caution and understanding. Only a fool decides there is nothing to learn.


It is good to meet you too, I appreciate your coming to see me, replies the Elf.


I have been told you have questions about our history. Ordinarily I task those who wish to learn it with a series of trials meant to shape young minds and temper the exuberance of youth with wisdom, but that is irrelevant now. Aside from your mind and essence being fundamentally different, your role is as well. I am not your elder. What do you wish to know?


We are still lacking a lot of basic knowledge about dragons, the history of the conflict with humans, the way you alter animals, and what things are likely to be good ways for us to help dragons flourish without sacrificing anyone else's well-being.

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