This universe has a civilization of humans! And some other things. It's not crowded in the way Edda is but it's not just the one planet either. The humans might be easiest to start with. They're on that planet over there, it's not Earth but it has very Earthlike conditions and bronze-age humans living in cities and villages dotted across two large continents. Depending on how thoroughly any prospective visitors look they might find other things before visiting.
This humble rat observes that the great and storied Vanda Nossëo may be able to grant the wish that lord Many-Times-Burned has always refused, no matter the victories and treasure Last accumulates to purchase it with.
The restoration of a lost race. Such a thing has seemed so terribly unlikely, a hope held as a dying ember in roiling ocean, but it may yet come to pass.
There is a city spreading wildly across a river delta - not the Lake People, but a more flamboyant culture. The people here are richer than average for the world, though of course not by galactic standards. They are aggressively mercantile, and have been extremely eager to get products from outside the universe, as well as producing more interdimensional visitors than average. Their stories are almost all tales of derring-do and high drama from grudges (resolved violently or socially or legally, but always dramatically) to romance and sex shenanigans to tales of half-mythologized genius artists. They shout at each other and laugh loudly, dress in bright colors, sing and dance on the streets, throwing fruit and having fistfights and speed-painting in public with onlookers cheering.
This kid once climbed on the tower of Armsman's Bridge with his friends. This man wrestled an alligator for a bet, can you heal his hand? (He won the bet, it was worth it.) This woman is a prostitute and proud of it and once tarred and feathered a bad client. This woman beat her husband's lover in a boat-rowing competition and won the right to divorce him. This is the story of the sailor Mikas Galewind, a nobody who talked his way into taking over a band of pirates! This is another Mikas Galewind story, the time he tricked a foul sea serpent into letting the ship pass with a valuable secret that was no secret at all! This man had a singing competition with his hated rival and cunningly spied on the man, choosing a song to counter his opponent's.
The city is full with docks and theaters and open-air markets and public art. When the news about possible resurrection spreads, there are immediately seven different big public collection campaigns to pay for the return of fondly remembered artists. The collection of both stories and gold and silver for Samara Glory, architect and painter who made the glorious Sunrise Temple, reaches the threshold first.
She groans. "Fucking fuck! What the screaming fire did I drink last night, goddamn." She looks around.
"Feels like the mother of all hangovers except in the feelings... Also, just hurts. The pain is fading but, ugh." She rubs a temple. "Where am I, please?"
She rests her head in her hands, having managed to sit up.
"I'm being so crude because it's- What I do when I get stressed. Sorry. I, uh. It kinda feels like I got my soul ripped out, if I were inclined to be poetic right now I'd say it better but. Yeah. It just - hurts, nowhere in particular, and I... feel like this is a dream where nothing matters because, you know, just a dream. And I'm not even. Properly amazed at being fucking resurrected on a different fucking planet."