Vanda Nossëo visits a planet with dragons
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Would all the dragons be - reasonably encompassed by such a change?


All adult dragons are expected to fly forth and attend. (One is an adult dragon if one is capable of flight.) Juveniles cannot easily come to the Moot Island and would be in immense danger around so many adults. It is also a highly stressful event with our largely solitary nature and only being called in trying times.


I admit I'm not sure to what extent young dragons are in the custody of their parents.


Only one parent will take custody of an egg. The involvement will vary considerably between dragons, from merely teaching them lessons during the period they are conscious but unhatched, to actively guarding and feeding them for their first year or two. Taking too much care of one's young is seen as risking making them weak and reliant on outside aid. Never so much as a human child is cared for. I conclude this question is relevant to statehood somehow.


Children are allowed to vote, so if they're confused about what's going on - and also can't read - it will be complicated to apprise them of their choices.


I understand.

For that matter, the spirits of the land and of certain animals have as much agency as hatchlings. Those, I think, would largely vote in favor on the argument 'nothing will be allowed to eat you'. Even as this provides a complication in getting dragons to accept such a state. I have heard the animal followers of that amusing beast-befriending dragon to the west discussing such things already, apparently unconcerned with the notion of restricting how many children are born.


I'm glad the animals don't seem attached to their typical birth rates.


If the dragons rejected a state but the animals and spirits still wished to form one, that could be....... Troublesome. I do not think it likely; The very notion of a state will be difficult to express fully. Perhaps some groups of animals should receive one vote, if one spirit is their animating force.

Regarding the confusion of others. It is possible to create a magical announcement that would reach all spirits, aware animals, and dragons, even hatchlings, with the cooperation of enough dragons at a Grand Moot.


Oh, good, I'm glad we won't have to figure out how to get their attention all individually. I don't think there will be a problem with some groups of animals voting jointly, if they're effectively hive minds.



You have spoken to the Allmother, correct? I wish to speak to them on this matter as well and perhaps consider for a time before continuing.

Do you have members who are physically imposing and not humanoid? If a representative at a hypothetical Grand Moot is called for, such a person would be best.


There are Andalites - not as big as a typical dragon, but they have four feet and bladed tails - Mental image.


Darktooth sends back curious approval.

Elves already are better than humans, I think Andalites would be better yet- in initial impression at least.

Is there anything more that ought to be discussed now and not later?


Do you want a ride to visit the Allmother?


No. I will go on my own time, after announcing myself.


Then that is all I have to say for now. Thank you for speaking with me. If you mark this piece of paper, we will understand it to mean that you would like me to come back. A bow, presenting the paper with a flourish, and then vanishment.


Upon further forensics work, it turns out there is exactly one live 'Enforcer', the larger and stronger version of the human race, left in the world. She is covered in tattoos and scars, sleeping on a rock shelf, mostly naked, inside of what appears to be the volcano lair of a huge dragon magical enough to be unconjurable. There are only a few other living things inside the volcano lair, each in a room in a long spiral path down with a pile of treasure, like some sort of video game gauntlet.


Welp. They will send an Elf to sing to the dragon.


If they approach the peak of the volcano, they will be greeted by... A lone black rat whose thoughts are clear and sharp.

Oh, visitor. You now speak to Never-Ever, but a humble Enkindled servant of the Many-Times-Burned. You stand before the lair of an ancient dragon. The fourth lair, the proving-pit. Beware: Many enter, and few leave. We say this not to threaten, only to advise.

Why have you come here?


Hello, Never-Ever. I have come because my people are trying to meet many dragons and learn from them, but also most particularly because the last living Enforcer is inside of that lair.


You speak of Last, one of the Beholden who have come to my master and asked for their favor. She resides below, touched by the flames of ages to withstand the immense heat and placed as was agreed long ago.


Placed? Is she in some kind of stasis?


She is a guardian. My creator has decreed that strength is above all else. Those who wish to speak to the second-eldest dragon and ask for a boon must prove themselves in combat, descending through the chambers and facing their guardians, or by serving as guardians and accumulating sufficient victories. You need not end their lives to continue; Merely defeat them. If you descend, you will come before Last as the penultimate guardian.


And she wanted this?


Last came to us of her own free will, and fought ferociously. She spoke of being the last of her kind, of having buried countless kin. She asked to be made eternal, a living memory; And her request was granted. She did not leave.


I see. I'm glad that her wish is being honored.

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