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Tabby and Zeke are mad science experiments in Rockeye's new world.
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"Hah, that's unexpected."

"Dear, why don't you tell them if there's anything you could look up. I mentioned it to you already-"

"Oh come on, I'll do it when we get back, Auntie."


"Bird twins? Water-girl?"


"Yeah, I'll see if anyone knows what became of them... Probably take a day or two to find anything out." She rubs her arm bashfully. "Uh, sorry."


He looks pretty depressed, but doesn't say anything.


"I'll do my best to find out one way or another. Those guys are your friends? Maybe tell me anything else you can remember - a name, or just more description."


"The water girl is called Sam, and she is made of jelly. The twins are Tabby and Zeke, and they have feathers and can fly."


She writes these things down on a little notepad. "Anything else? Skin color? Eyes and hair? How old are they?"


"Sam is a little see through and her hair is all yellow. It's kinda shiny, like a doll's hair. The twins' have these glowing eyes and weird clawy feet, and their feathers are all colourful. And their wings are on their arms."


"Okay, last thing, their powers? Like you can turn into wolves. That should be plenty for me to ask around and find them."


"Zeke can hear magic, I think, and they're both really strong and fast. And the flying. And Sam can be all stretchy and turns to water when she's upset."


Nod, nod. "I will definitely see if anybody finds them later. Do you mind us telling other heroes about you two? In case Sam and the bird kids are just as worried or something."


"That would be good. Thank you."


"Okay. That's later though, like I said, I have to get the babies we rescued somewhere safer for them than this old dusty farm."

Gardener looks miffed at the adjectives used there.


"What's wrong with the farm?"


"...Oh, nothing wrong with it. It's just, I'm," glance at Gardener's grandmotherly face, "-Um, not really suited to farm life."


The babies seem to be asleep in their stroller-ish thing. They don't respond.


"Are they going to be okay?"


"I hope so. They've all got some kind of - ice magic in them. Lionheart's notes said stuff about it. So the hospital will have an idea how to care for them."


"They look pale," Gardener comments. "They're old enough for solid food. You gave them that corn mash I made, yes?"

"Yep. They cried a lot, but they ate it, then Lucha helped me get them to sleep."


"Why'd Lionheart make them? Or us?"


They both look uncomfortable. Eventually Soundwave answers, "He's a villain, right? It has to be selfish. He wants to make a magic army, or sell powers to people, or something like that."


"Probably. He never seemed to like us much. He wasn't even nice to the twins, and they were his favourites."


Crow looks over from the TV's quiet news report and stomps on the ground just hard enough to make an attention-getting noise.

"I listened to that hypocrite rant during the first confrontation... He's sick in the head. He really believes he's doing a good thing because doing his experiments might eventually give powers to everyone. The kind of menace who can't understand that he's so far over the line there is no possible chance of redemption."

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