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Tabby and Zeke are mad science experiments in Rockeye's new world.
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"Anyway, you two want to start earning some money? I have some things to get delivered, if so."


Yes! Television has taught them that money equals success! Where do they need to go?


They need to follow her to a back room. "I sell my little gadgets to a bunch of shops around the city. I can make complicated ones much more easily, because of my power, and shops like buying cheap things." She leads them to a box that is... Very loud, magically. "This should weigh about fifteen pounds. Think you guys can fly with it?"


"Nothing irreplaceable in there?"


"If you can get it to thy guy who's buying it, he owes you one hundred and fifty dollars. Thirty dollars are yours. So not irreplaceable, but a little bit expensive."


"Um, Walta, could we ask you a favour? You can keep the thirty dollars if you want."


"What's the favor?"


"You know that guy who made us? He also made other kids. A bunch of them were our friends. We just want to know if they're safe."


"Hm... I can have a look. I'll talk to the ghostwind network. They're like, secret hero teams in Mexico. Maybe some of them found them. Come to think of it, I should probably tell them you two found me and are safe, mind if I do that?"


"Yeah, that'd be good."


"Okay. And you still get the money. That's how work works. The guy's name is Rito, at Rito's Magic Shoppe. With two p's, because reasons. Let me show you where you need to deliver it on this map, and I'll give you the thing we used yesterday to look inconspicuous... If people bother you, just fly away with the box."


"Post birds away!" 

They take flight.


They can carry the box.

Rito's Magic Shoppe is in a sketchy corner of a retail center with a cracked and cratered parking lot.


The twins knock on the door politely.


"Look at the sign!"

The sign says 'OPEN'.


"Oh, the Mecharcanist. Come in, come in."

Rito's shop has all sorts of doodads on the walls. One person is at the back, browsing 'good luck charms'. "Let's see the stuff. How much today?"


"A hundred and fifty tip." That's a thing she's seen in movies!


"Please ignore my sister."


He raises his eyebrow at the idea of a tip, then takes the box and opens it. Starts counting things. "Right, all here."

He opens the register with the classic cha-ching sound, and counts out one hundred and fifty five dollars. "You do get a tip, 'cause this is earlier than I usually get it on Saturdays."


"Thank you, sir." 



"Just doing what post-birds do."

The two of them bid their goodbyes, and make their exit.


The shopping center is still kind of empty. A big SUV blasting annoyingly loud rap music drives by.

They presumably fly back to Walta's movie theater-place. She's in that same workshop room, making magic things.

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