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Tabby and Zeke are mad science experiments in Rockeye's new world.
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"We will solve them on the beaches!"


"We will put up a sign not to mess it up and go to afternoon lessons and finish it later."


How does the education here compare to at the lab?


Much more crowded and less strict. It's Juno wandering around teaching some twenty kids of various ages and attentiveness. Juno asks what kind of things they've learned so far for a few minutes, then they get a book and a list of questions he thinks they should think about while they read it, and an invitation to raise their hand whenever they have a question. The book is about the history of North America.


Zeke finds the fact they're technically Mexican funny for whatever reason.


Does he find the story of Native Americans suffering horribly at the hands of colonists funny? At least it's clinical about it and there's happier bits. Like the Declaration of Independence. That is a Big Deal according to this book.


That makes him sad. History is meaner than his tutors made it sound.


Yeah. History is kind of like that.

Juno tries to cheer him up with the old adage of "those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it."


This oddly enough seems to work.


They can learn very effectively. 

Mecharcanist looks approving when she finds them studying. "I'm ready to teach you welding later if you want now, by the way."


Well, back to learning. After maybe another hour and a half Juno calls everyone together to have a group discussion. Everyone is asked to say the most interesting thing they learned today.


"I didn't know there were Vikings in America."


"The Soviet Union put a robot on the moon."


"I didn't know a supervillain was president once."


And it goes around the room.


Yeah, this was much nicer than the tutors. 


Next, Juno encourages a short discussion over what 'good' and 'bad' means. Not as simple as you think.

Then everyone leaves.


Tabby goes to see about those welding lessons. 


Walta kind of slightly forgot about those, caught up in an experiment of hers.

She should bring Zeke along if he wants, they can both watch some metal-magic.



A couple of people mutter jealously that of course they get Miss Mecha's personal attention, they have powers.

This is how you weld: You make sure that the two metals you're going to attach are compatible, and you wear this and that safety gear, and you do this and that with the welding torch.

...Tabby's plasma talons versus scrap steel: Welding attempt 1. How does it go?


Fairly well, though her fingers hurt if she keeps the talons manifested for too long.


"So you could learn to weld seriously if you want. It's a skill that can earn you some good money. Or, I have more deliveries if you want to do that instead."


"Could I do both for now? Flying is so good."

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