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Tabby and Zeke are mad science experiments in Rockeye's new world.
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While his sister is enjoying the noise.


Apparently "home-school" is a thing. One of the girls at this table is being made fun of because of it.

Miss Mecha is helping serve the pancakes, still.


Zeke does not approve of anyone being made fun of. 

"You shouldn't tease her for something she didn't choose."


"But home school is so stupid! You barely learn anything compared to real school."

Home Schooled Girl pipes up, "My ma needs me to make her remember her pills, shut up already!"

"Useless mom too-" Then the bully shuts up, because he received a fist to the face. The two are rolling on the ground clawing and screaming at each other in seconds.


Zeke eeps, and tries pulling the two apart.


Walta's brass robots, the same ones who distributed popcorn yesterday, help. They are quickly separated, glaring at each other.

"Calvin! That's your second strike. You know you can't start fights here."

"She started it!"

"Because you teased her about homeschool, right?" Calvin mutters something. "What was that?"

"I insulted her mom," he mumbles. 

"I'd like you to apologize. Both of you."

Calvin looks at the floor.


"Did I do something bad?"


"No, you're fine, Zeke. You tried to stop the fight. Calvin? Mary?"

Mary gives in first. "I'm sorry I punched you. I shouldn't have lost my temper even if you deserved it."

Calvin huffs. "I'm sorry for making fun of you and your mom, I guess..."

"And now," Miss Mecha tells them, "You're going to clean up the mess you made together and then Calvin gets to school before he's late." The two children assent slightly grumpily.


"Miss Mecha, could I go to school some time?"


"That's kind of a hard question. If you go to school, the heroes will maybe come and look for you. If they find you, you'll get put in the foster system and I don't know if you'd like it. But it'd be very hard for you to go to school and be sneaky. Maybe... Maybe I could make something to help. Something like what we used yesterday. I'm not sure."


"Thanks for thinking about it." 

He goes to rejoin his sister.


She follows. "How are you liking the place so far? Any problems?"


"Being with people is nice. It can get a little noisy, but that's better than everything being all quiet and lonely."


"I'm glad to hear it. Juno says you two are pretty well-behaved. The room we gave you yesterday was temporary - we can give you two your own room, or put you in one with two other people. And I want to start having you deliver stuff for me today or tomorrow if you don't mind."


"I think company would be nice. And that would be cool. Have to ask Tabby, though."


"If I can find the time today to work on a sneaky-thing for you two... I'd like for you to come to my workshop and help, I think your magic hearing has potential."


"Neat! I'll be there!"



"Let's find Tabby, I wanna get things organized with you two before I have to head out."


Tabby is holding court over a gaggle of fascinated children.


"Having fun showing off, are we?"


"The people want to know, Miss Mecha!"


"Oh, not you too! Call me Walta, or Mecharcanist. I'm not a giant robot."


"What's wrong with Miss Mecha?"


"'Mecha' means a Japanese style giant robot to a lot of people. I don't build mechas, I'm not a mecha. It rolls off the tongue but I don't like it."

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