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Tabby and Zeke are mad science experiments in Rockeye's new world.
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"I don't know who you mean. Sorry. Were they here?"


"Don't know. We went in the truck first."


"Eh, no idea. Sorry. What happens next... Well, it's a bit tricky. Thing is, that fool Lionheart has so many friends in the Mexican government. We can't just put you in the foster system. He'd find you and you'll disappear back into his hands."


"Our thought is to bring you to our hideout and take care of you there until something better comes along. We're heroes, you see, and we get help from American hero teams sometimes, but we have to be sneaky because bad guys don't leave heroes alone."


"You're not going to lock us up all day? Or not give us food because we've not tested good?"


"Nope. You get to run around as long as you don't bring too much attention to our hideout, and you get food either way. You probably will have chores though. I think it will be better than... Tests."


The little locals seem agreeable to this. 


"Okay! It looks like Mrs. Avocado is coming back up with the babies... Eh, don't tell her I called her that? One of our members called Crow can fly everyone to the hideout. It feels a bit strange though."


"Can we be wolves for that? Things are less scary that way."


"That will probably work! You don't look too big like that. You two gonna need some kind of velcro clothes or something though if you change a lot, eh?"


"Follow me." He walks over to someone wearing a dramatic-looking silver and black costume, with a big... Eyebrow thing? Sticking out from his forehead. He sounds old. "So we did manage to get a couple of 'em. Good afternoon, young ones."


"The others are dead, aren't they?" says a suddenly human Joey.


"Some of 'em are. Not gonna lie." Luchador gives him a look, which Crow ignores. "Maybe a quarter of the ones that were here. About a third of the ones who were there in the first big mess. The rest are in hospitals or with other bands of heroes or in America or still with Lionheart."


"...Thanks for not lying."


"Soundwave knows this internet thing. She talks to the other teams with it. She can ask them about your friends."


Annnnd he's a wolf again.


Crow and Luchador wait around for Gardener and Soundwave to show up. Gardener's costume is appropriately plant-themed, and Soundwave's is all curvy patterns dominated by purple and red.She's wearing one of those giant metal headphones you see DJs and airplane pilots have sometimes. They're both carrying two babies each.

"Let's get out of here before the Lion roars again."


The wolves have no objection.


And then everything is black as Crow spreads his 'wings' and it feels like they're flying.


Their legs wave a bit in the "air".


Luchador mutters, "This is always so creepy..."


The lycos bark a bit.


It lasts a few minutes, then the darkness retreats to reveal a very different place. The clouds are all different too - they're on a farm somewhere. "Here we are!"

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