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Tabby and Zeke are mad science experiments in Rockeye's new world.
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Are they sharing with anyone else?


Not currently, though there are four beds in this room.


Company would actually be nice, but they're okay. The twins climb into the beds they somehow deem their favourites, and get the best night's sleep they've had for days. 


Some several hundred miles away, two wolf-children are in... A much worse situation than they were a couple weeks ago. After the exhausting, terrified rough ride in the dark truck they were filed into a concrete room with no furniture other than two blankets and a pillow. No tests, no medicine, no food until late at night when the harried staff tossed prepackaged granola bars at them.

Things stabilized some in the next two days. But this facility is much less secure than the old one...

The heroes find it again. And this time, while being herded into trucks, there aren't enough scientists to keep track, to make sure none of the experiments slip away. They're rushed and not keeping track. A chance to slip away under the thundering blasts and sounds of magical combat?


They change. They run. 


Almost everyone is missing from this section. The sound of a crying baby is coming from that room. They have to negotiate some stairs.

There's the exit. Fresh air!


And they're out!


They appear to be in the middle of a hero fight! A massive man dressed like a luchador throws himself at the well-armed scientists again and again, ignoring all the hits they toss at him. A swarm of human-shaped plant amalgamations tries to advance on and attack the scientists. There is a curious spread of ice right across the only (well, the original) gap in the barbed wire fence.


Are there any openings they could fit through?


Not without getting cut. Maybe around the back of the bunker?

Some of the plant-things are running towards them.

Someone shouts - frighteningly loud - in Spanish, "You're wearing down! You're running out of ammo! Surrender and live!"


The wolves lunge at the plant-things.


This is exactly the wrong thing to do! The plant things do a very good job of entangling them! Even when they cut through part of it, they reform as vines and stems restricting their movements.


They start rapidly shifting between their three forms.


This doesn't seem to have much effect except making them uncomfortable.

The scientists retreat with some kind of jetpacks, eventually. The heroes all take deep breaths before declaring, "Okay, cleanup time, tell me what you see!"

"Your plants got two of those kids, Mrs. Avocado." 

"For the last time, don't call me that you idiot!"

The luchador comes over toward them and cheerily says, "Hola, what's up? You got in the way, sorry about that!"


Angie only growls in response. 


"Let us go, let us go!"


"Gardener, loosen it a bit?" Their bindings relax to something somewhat comfortable. "We can't let you go until you calm down a little or we finish cleaning up. Sorry. I'm tough, but my friends aren't."


The growling subsides a little. The two seem content to remain their wolf-child hybrid shape for the time being. 


He runs off and makes a quick circuit of the place.

When he comes back, "I think you can let them out now, Gardener. We didn't save anyone else except a couple infants inside." He shakes his head. "What're your names, little wolves?"

The plants release them and flop to the ground, inert.


"I don't know what you guys know about the outside world, but the people who were taking care of you before... Are not real doctors. They are evil people. Children should never be kept in a cage, or made as experiments. But since you and the others are already here, we must help them as best we can. We tried to rescue you and everyone else, but they are still very strong."


"Are the others okay? Sam and the twins?"

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