so apparently 'makes her girlfriend and her girlfriend's crush kiss' is an anathema template attractor
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She giggles. 

"You're all very mean to me."


"Only because you enjoy it so, dear."


Kiss. "I do! And I have a wonderful Mistress, who makes sure I'm very well taken care of."


Happy hum.


Shiver. "Love you," she murmurs, more quietly. "At this point I think we should leave the Anathema's to their plotting, how about."


"Works for me."


She gives a distracted 'Hema a goodbye kiss, then - a quick moment of focus to ensure Lily isn't at the apartment (it really will be nice, having their own space), before heading back for some quality time. 

(Anakin takes a quick moment to telepathically get 'Hema's attention and suggest something like a small bathhouse on one of the floors as she's waiting on her Mistress. Somewhere she can pamper her darlings properly.)


Fay and Ellie should stay available in case more magical assistance is needed...


Fay doesn't mind helping, and she can get started on the rough work now, since shapes of rooms seem already basically decided.



A bit later, 'Hema looks up in the middle of a discussion about which exact shade set of bloody reds looks best under a variety of lighting schemes to say, "Oh, hey, got distracted, but I'd wanted to invite you guys to a podrace. Especially one ahead of my girlfriends showing off. But there's a track down the river that's pretty cool."


"I think we'd like to see one of these much-fabled podraces."


"Awesome. There's at least a small one every evening, if you guys wanna head over after we get bored here."




She grins and turns to Anat' to get to the finishing touches of their planning and preliminary design work.

After, then - down to the edge of the city near the river? (This is an unofficial race but only kind of sometimes illegal so the area isn't even too incredibly sketchy, by big city standards. Also by now the clones are broadly known as 'well trained combatants who never carry anything worth stealing and also one is a fucking Jedi' so they're unlikely to get bothered. 'Hema leads them with the cheerful certainty of one of the six most dangerous people in the city.)


Not that the wizards can't take care of themselves. But hey. Watching 'Hema strut is nice.


She's very pretty when she's being arrogant, she agrees. 

(Some of the people at the race - including a few clones - do recognize 'Hema, and she cheerfully introduces her friends around, claiming Fay is Anakin's sister to the one person who asks.)

('Hema explains the ways people bet on the races, too, as they're walking to seats, but she advises against it. People get worked up and you'll almost never win enough to be worth it.)

(She's able to find them a really good view, right before another race is set to start.)


Oh good. Ellie's looking forward to seeing how these... odd... contraptions actually run.



(Noisily, though the spectators are far enough away to not get blasted.)

(They mostly work exactly like how Ellie would expect broomstick racing to work if anyone going slower than several hundred miles an hour was considered a casual who should get out of the way. And also the broomsticks explode if not designed well enough for the stresses put on them.)

('Hema's running commentary suggests that racing here - especially this particular race, this time of day really is more casual - includes a lot less attempted murder than many other planets' races, since there's no major competitions held on planet and basically no local races have rewards except bragging rights and the betting pool is kind of tiny.)


That's, uh, certainly a way for a sport to be.


It's fun. 


As long as no one tries to make Ellie do it.


"We can keep your role to appreciative spectator."


"I'm pretty good at that."


"Very. Every star needs a lovely woman in the crowd watching their success, after all..."


"One or two..." she smirks. "Maybe even three."

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