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"Hey. Last minute concerns?"


"A little with - sort of just that I think it might help to have a neutral party in the room while Elesse and I are talking, preferably someone with context who won't... React very poorly if there's hard emotions between me and Elesse, effectively. I think Maz might be best for 'purely neutral party Elesse knows already,' but - I think you'd be fairly good at that, too, if you wanted."


"I'll need to be in there up to the end. Easy enough just to stay."


"Okay. Thanks."

"I think we're otherwise good, then, so... Guess it's time to do this." Small smile. "Get you a ride through hyperspace, too."


"Looking forward to it."


Then on to the last of the preparations for that. Getting the ship prepped is basically trivial, Fay really simplifies body transport, Maz knows they're coming and the path to where they're resurrecting Elesse doesn't have major obstacles...

(Anakin is trying not to be the panicky sort of nervous. No body helps. Maybe she should actually just stay a ghost the entire conversation, that seems likely to be helpful in general.)

Anakin - mostly just stays out of Ellie's way, during the actual ritual, though she keeps part of her mind on the Force in case something seems to be going wrong.


Nothing really goes wrong-


And Elesse blinks awake, looking just how she did all those years ago.


Feeling just like she did. Not - much different emotionally, than the horrible instant of her death.

Anakin's keeping calm and centered, though. Hopefully sufficiently. She does successfully ride through the wash of old sorrow and new relief. (She hasn't adopted a seeming of life. That's... Usually pretty obviously a trick to anyone really trained. She doesn't want to - be lying, here.)

"Elesse?" she asks, voice as gentle as she can make it.




"It's me," she confirms. "It's - been a long time." There's a little humor stirring within her at that.

(She's older, significantly so. Older than Elesse ever got, at least - maybe mid-forties, maybe early fifties, unlikely to be late thirties... She looks whole, feels calm and steady, only traces of anxiety and grief swirling at the edges. None of the storm of anger and fear she'd been last Elesse saw her.)

(She's also translucent - glowing a soft blue, not really feeling exactly like the living usually do. Like something large and diffuse expressing itself in a limited space, neither really dark or light.)


"...Clearly." She glances at Ellie. "Who's this?"


"My name's Ellie Potter-Canta. I brought you back to life. You're welcome."


"...Thank you."


"It turns out bringing back the dead wasn't trivial for me."

"I'm sorry about everything that happened, and that we fought and - that I didn't have good enough control of myself to. Pull my blow, or - avoid the fight entirely."

"And I'm sorry that it's taken so long to even begin to set things right."


"How long has it been?"


"Sixty nine years."



"Are you dead?"



"I died forty six years ago, though I've only really consistently been able to appear to most people for... About a decade."

"I'm not actually sure why I'm a ghost, though, especially as more than a lingering impression. I didn't set any - continuity of existence - up on purpose."


"Anakin..." Elesse's confusion is audible. "What happened?"


"...A lot."

"I'm - unsure if you want the full sixty nine years of history, or - the backstory before our fight."

"...And I don't remember what we fought about, or - a lot. I have. Really large memory gaps around then, and some of my partially intact memories don't - really make sense. So it might be hard to fully explain some things."


"Memory gaps. That... does make sense, with your behavior. You- weren't yourself."


"I - yeah. I don't know how much was... Preexisting tendency towards mental illness, or the war hitting me hard, or my coping strategies being - poorly suited for the circumstances."

"And how much was - normal manipulation and abuse I was - experiencing, and how much was - direct manipulation through the Force."

"I suspect it was a combination of all of them, though much less direct mental influence than - the me that did not want to be at fault would have liked to think."


Deep breath.

"I think I need some time to think about this."


She nods.

"I figured. I'm not - doing this right, but - we're on Takodana. Maz is still alive and doing great for herself, and she's willing to help. Explain things, make sure you have - anything you need."

"I'll be leaving the planet, soon, unless you ask me to stay; Maz knows how to contact me, if - there's further questions you need me to answer."

"There's a hyperspace capable ship that's yours. You're under no obligation to ever talk to me again, or to have - any particular relationship with anyone, really. You don't owe me anything. It'll be up to you if you reach out, directly or through intermediaries."

Pause. She'd be taking a deep breath if she had a body, but instead she's centering herself. Drawing her presence in. (There's pain. A lot. But peace within that pain, and a slow, burning determination to right wrongs.)

"I care about you, still. I want you to be - in a situation you want to be in." Pause, shorter, softer, then: "I can leave entirely now, or stay nearby a little bit longer if you think you'll have other questions soon."

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