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And they can start on the house too, since Ellie's finished up her project.



There's a lot of ideas they need to reconcile at least a little - including some for things outside of the magically expanded space, though Anakin thinks the warehouse that 'Hema found them is big enough for all those and then leftover space to grow into eventually... A rooftop garden for Lily, a small lab (also for Lily), meditation and training rooms, some basic public guest space, somewhere office-like if she needs to talk to students after hours, for the minimum above ground...

And in the expanded space... At least three suites - not fully self efficient, Anakin wants to make sure she sees her daughter ever, but they shouldn't have to put clothes on to eat breakfast... Common spaces, probably guest bedrooms and the like...

Anakin will leave keeping track of 'what houses with living inhabitants need to function' up to the others, though, as well as any less practical architecture. 


Anat' is here for all their impractical architecture needs, as well as thinking of fun and weird and niche stuff, and interior design... If they decide to stick around she'll probably see if Anakin's university offers interior design and architecture classes, actually, that sounds great. 


Practical rooms, yeah, but also fun and interesting rooms. Neat things to have, as long as they're going nuts here. Also a dungeon, can't forget the dungeon. Very important part of any cool house. 

Oh yeah and they should set up the expansion anchoring runes so they can add more rooms later without messing stuff up, probably. 


Fay can largely handle the runes, including any for security - her project for the last while has been testing and improving defensive runes against various Force tricks (and against local weapons), so she should be able to hedge out a lot of potential threats. 


This is gonna be fun. 


Making things with magic always is.


"Oh, I've noticed," she says with a giggle. "I've been very curious about your transfiguration abilities..."


"We could finish up the dungeons early. Use them as a... Demonstration space. The interior decoration will be much simpler, after all. Some cages, a few different types of furniture, perhaps some mood lighting..."


"What about ominous carved reliefs on the walls?"


"Oh that is an excellent idea."


"I've got a few sketches that might be appropriate."


Giggle. "That'll speed it up - there was that spell in Art class a bit back, the one for transferring a sketch into a carving, remember? Doing it in stone was a huge pain, but we can have something softer for the carved bits. Wood pillars and a mantel, maybe, if insets or fake stone end up looking weird. And we can combine it with the scaling spell if we want the sketches bigger..."


"We're better at spells now than we used to be. I think I could make it work with stone."




"Not to stifle your artistic creativity with the composition, of course."


Kiss! "That's rather impossible, dear. My artistic creativity overcomes all challenges."


"Mhm, mhm."



It shouldn't be a priority over everything else, but, well. Would be fun to finish early enough for some breaks, once the space is initially livable. 


In the absence of compelling reasons to not...


Of course, of course.


Well, 'Hema is paying for the warehouse itself, and she thinks they absolutely should finish the dungeon early on. Anakin can keep her apartment a bit longer, anyways, and the commute isn't bad.

(Also, if it affects things, it turns out even really cheap old warehouses are enormous but mostly not thoroughly windowed, so they might actually be able to fit nearly everything except 'multiple floors of ridiculous vaulted ceilings with lots of natural light' in normal space...)


Ridiculous vaulted ceilings with real-feeling sunlight are easily doable.


Magic is absolutely cheating. Even more than the Force for people who aren't her Anakin.


"You're just motivating me to get even more terrifyingly ridiculous, you know," Anakin teases.

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