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There will be theories, at least, when she's the only surviving adult.

And there will be public appearances in the future...



Though... Bellatrix would like to keep those theories as just that, at least until the Final Dawn properly breaks over the wizarding world. Establish a secondary identity - perhaps even a lovely mask and robe, just for those public appearances.


A uniform could be useful. Spread a bit of uncertainty, allow her other followers to continue their normal lives if they wish it.

Standard robes with her insignia and individualized masks, perhaps?


Sounds lovely. 

While robes as a fashion statement don't get at what they're going for, they do have a strong advantage of being fundamentally anonymizing. Especially the right cut could seem nearly shapeless...

But not black robes. Nothing so boring. Perhaps... The colors of the robes themselves could echo the idea of dawn. Maybe a black or dark purple overrobe, with a gradient of red and orange and yellow under it, her insignia on the back? 


"You have an excellent instinct for design, dear Bella."


"Thank you, my Lady." Kiss!

"For my persona... 'Sekhmet' would be perfect, actually, though I'm not sure if it's in the public record as my middle name... Sachmis is a less common transcription, perhaps, though people might still make the connection."

"Or not even bother naming myself, just run with the lioness theme."


"Bastet is thematic, and would suit you for other reasons."


She pouts. "But everyone associates Bastet with cats and motherhood nowadays. Not as a fierce lioness and protector of the pharoah, the one before whom evil trembles." She bats her eyelashes at her Lady. "Though I suppose we could make people remember Bastet's origins..."


"Until you take your Animagus form and look just like the statues of her as a cat."


She pouts even harder. "I," she says, "Am a fierce murderer. The Lady of Slaughter. Not a house cat."


"You," she says, laughing, "are the prettiest of kitties."


She breaks down into giggles. "I suppose I am."

Kiss! "Bastet it is, darling."


"Of course," she says thoughtfully, "having my followers not give any names officially would tie them closer to me."


"Fair. Though it seems more your thing... And if people are talking about us, they'll be using some epithet or another, and quite frankly 'Bastet' is more dignified than 'the Dark Lady's lap cat.'" Grin. "Even if the latter's true."


"If you give an interview, you may use whichever name you choose. Though I am reminded that at one point I said I would parade you around naked, so perhaps your uniform will be just the mask."


She grins, smugly.

"The robes can be the group uniform. My distinguishing bit's the mask, naked or robed or in muggle clothes." Smirk. "Though it'd be missing something without your mark on my back."


"How are your Potions skills, Bella dear? Perhaps I will have you brew up some tattoo ink."


"It wasn't my favorite class, but I still swung for an O on my NEWT."


"I shall dig out the recipe. Perhaps you can find something new to love about it."



"I suppose it depends in part on how fancy the ink is, my Lady."


"The ink I am thinking of is rather plain except for a certain special property: any other potion mixed into it will be rendered inert until precipitated back out."



"There's a lot you can do with that."


"Consider also that the tattoo design may incorporate runes."


"Expands it even more - runes are centrally protective, but that's hardly their only use..." Wiggle. "You're very good at convincing me of things, my Lady."


"I am getting to know your tastes, dear Bella." Kiss.

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