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you had me at "let's burn down wizarding britain"
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"Do you want suggestions about what to put in the ink and runes? Or do you have all your plans lined up..."


"Some plans, but I am certainly not averse to more... Depending on how much of your body I want to use as a canvas."


Wiggle. "You'd have to work in other designs than just your sigil to expand beyond my back... But you could decorate me so beautifully..."

As far as effect ideas - Bellatrix knows her human-affecting potions better than her runes right now, though she certainly realizes you could adapt runes for protecting and controlling inanimate property to your more wiggly possessions...

Her potions suggestions actually start out downright reasonable - antidotes for poisons or veritaserum, blood replenishers, bone menders, and the like. It even takes her a little bit to meander over to definitely recreational suggestions (unless her Lady can think of a practical reason to dose Bellatrix with Amortentia, euphoria potions, sleep and paralysis potions, or assorted torture potions).


Causing her Bella interesting sensations is a practical goal all of its own.

The ink will still accept potions after it's been applied, so she can consider brewing all the fun options an extended project.


Fair. No sense delaying the main tattoo longer than needed.


She'll sketch up some designs while Bella works on the ink.


She does so without much delay, working diligently but not hastily - she was right about her Potions talent, and she's even better when motivated by actual eagerness. Her ink's brewed perfectly on her first try.


And she has a design for her Bella. The sun and serpent in the center, of course. Above that, across her shoulders, the hieroglyphics for Bastet. Below, a snake and a cat with room to dance about. And woven throughout, a runic spell to control the release of different potions based on certain conditions, as well allow her to control that release remotely. And there's a second component, an anchor to bind Bella to her, so her Lady will always know where she is and will be able to Apparate directly to her.


Bellatrix loves it.

Will her Lady apply the tattoo?



Injecting each drop is, of course, exquisitely painful.


Bellatrix holds perfectly still through each, so as not to disturb her Lady's art - but she's rather mastered the art of screaming without moving too disruptively by now.

She might use any breaks her Lady gives her to shiver and pant, though. Perhaps writhe a little at the spreading burning sensation, like acid's been injected in her veins.


It's important for her to remain conscious. They'll go as slow as she needs.


Mmm, her Lady is most generous.

(Bellatrix does seem to benefit from fairly frequent breaks. Given the size of the tattoos, this might easily take up a significant portion of their daylight hours.)


Time well spent.



(She loves her Lady, and she manages to summon up a happy wiggle when her Lady finishes and lets her see the masterpiece in a mirror, despite the ongoing pain making her body exceptionally languid.)

"It's so pretty."


"It is, my dear Bella. And so are you."


She giggles, softly.

"Love you."


"I love you too, Bella."



She twists to kiss her Lady, even though it makes her pain flare up really badly.



"Beautiful clever Bella, I really am delighted to have found you."


Wiggle. "I'm delighted you found me."


"I hate to think of a world where I could possibly have passed this up."


"I'd have to accuse any me who passed you up of being an imposter."


"Well," she strokes her fingers down Bellatrix's back oh so gently, "now I can identify the true you."




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