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you had me at "let's burn down wizarding britain"
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Hm so...

(Mentally: her Lady will be most impressed if Bellatrix is immune when she wants to be, and horny brain can take a back seat please... Though maybe being a brat for a bit could be its own fun...)

Bellatrix quickly gets to 'can throw off nearly every command right away, and the rest after some struggle.' (She looks very, very smug about this.)

(But, yes, breaking her victims' wills first - especially for someone proud and canny and stubborn - might be essential for a proper flow of events.)


Repeated applications of the curse under duress can also serve that purpose, though this is usually slower.

Now to find a subject for Bella to practice on.


So many choices... Perhaps there's some Ministry functionary they can disappear?


There certainly are a sufficiency of those. Hm. Antonidas Bulstrode, in the Department of International Cooperation, perhaps. He is on her list.


Hm, boys are slightly less fun, but admittedly Bellatrix should learn to ever branch out. Otherwise someone will successfully identify her by her taste in women or something silly like that.


She should push her boundaries from time to time if she does not wish to stagnate. But not everything has to be the same flavor of fun.


Fair enough.

Off to acquire a target for practice, then. Bellatrix wants to try the Imperius when he's still fully mentally alert, first, to get a full sense of its difficulty, and only weaken his mind as far as she needs to to get the spell to take... And then they can keep grabbing more off the list if Bellatrix feels she needs another go from the top.


The trick for her will most likely be finding and maintaining the proper mindset to cast the curse. After that, it is simply a matter of willpower.


Well Bellatrix is very willful... Does her Lady have any tips on mindset?


Some, though this has always been one of the spells that came very naturally to her.


Bellatrix listens, but, well - she'll really just have to practice.

On to the kidnapping, then?


It goes smoothly enough. Mr. Bulstrode is not a terribly important man, or much more than indifferent at Defense.


Bellatrix doesn't get the Imperius the first time, her mindset not exactly right -

But her Lady's watching, and Bellatrix doesn't want to control others but she wants to give her Lady everything in the world, all wrapped up to belong to her, and Bellatrix delights in being an instrument of that -

Soon enough, she has Mr. Bulstrode dancing to her tune, a smirk on her lips.


"Very good, dear Bella. You continue to excel."


She giggles, and with a sly smile, explains which thought process succeeded, wanting her Lady to have everything via Bellatrix...



They should dispose of Mr. Bulstrode here and explore that thought in further detail.


Mmm yes.

(Bye bye Bulstrode, you served your purpose so well. Bellatrix is even sufficiently distracted not to make this very painful, and it's not like they need anyone finding your body...)


Then back to their house and she can pull the memory out of Bella's mind.


Adoration. The thought of the world bending to her Lady's whim, of Bellatrix as her loyal servant making it fall in line. (Bellatrix hadn't been imagining very many scenarios of that at the time, though she can now if her Lady wants...)


Yes, she does want.


Bellatrix doesn't exactly have a one track mind, but she has tracks her mind certainly prefers, and so promptly fills her brain with kidnapping pretty girls and forcing them to please her Lady. A very pretty face her brain labels 'Fay' features rather prominently, though Bellatrix seems to be imagining a little less force would be involved there. (Maybe still some. That could be exciting.)

And then branching off from that - making anyone who disrespects her Lady kneel and grovel at her feet, fetching her anything and anyone she desires, killing people on her Lady's hit list, retrieving rare books, creating beautiful gifts...


All very lovely thoughts indeed.

Such creativity deserves a reward...



(Though the best reward Bellatrix can think of right now is getting to directly fulfill some desire of her Lady's, actually. Getting to order the world for her.)


Why doesn't she go fetch a pretty girl, then? Get some extra practice with the Imperius. Not Fay, they'll save her for a special occasion.


Any pretty girl? (Bellatrix had some hot but obnoxious roommates who leap very readily to mind.)

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