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you had me at "let's burn down wizarding britain"
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She hums. "I haven't really seen her much since I graduated, and I do really like her."

Frown. "She could be an alibi if I timed it right, but... That feels kind of like using her if she doesn't know she's my alibi for a thing I totally did... And I haven't sounded her out yet on joining you."

"I... Still want to kill my parents that day... But I don't really need to spend all day on it, and it'll be easier to plan around my sisters being out if I don't, anyways."


"If it makes you happy, dear Bella, then of course you should go see her. Perhaps you can sound her out a little more."


Kiss. "Alright. I might meet her for lunch, hit my target after dinner. Andy's been staying out late with friends, and the library I got Cissy hooked on is open pretty late."


"A fair plan."


Snug. "I'll let her know, then."


"You do that, pretty girl."



And off to make birthday arrangements.


She has a few of her own to make in that regard. Nothing to share with her Bella just yet, though.


She can't wait.

(And her date with Fay is delightful, she's happy to report once her birthday rolls around. Bellatrix is glowing, about her friend, with excitement for killing her parents, with eagerness for whatever her Lady has planned... She's unsure if Fay is ready for a full recruitment, though. Fay was... A bit odd. Definitely intensely interested in the Final Dawn's activities, but...)

(It's weird, because Bellatrix knows Fay is extremely ruthless, and knows Fay opposes the current government system. But she wasn't sensing much eagerness for revolution from her.)


Mm. She works at Hogwarts, doesn't she?


"Yeah. That's where we met - she moved to the Isles last year and started up as the Defense assistant."


"Well, well. This is potentially interesting..." She hums. "We shall discuss it later. Do not let it trouble you overmuch for now."


"Okay." Kiss. "I've got my big performance tonight, anyways."


"Indeed you do, dear Bella. No performance jitters, I hope?"


Kiss. "None at all, my Lady."


"Good girl. Best be off, then."


"Yes ma'am."

And: off, to the edge of her parents' property. It's rural, on the outskirts of a small magical settlement, shielded by hedges and well manicured trees. There's even less secrecy needed than with her other relatives, and her mother opens the front door for her with a smile. 

Bellatrix accepts their hospitality and well wishes, murmurs excuses for not coming by earlier, lies and says she already saw her sisters today -

And, while her parents are busy elsewhere, she frees their house elves, disables the alarm wards, and springs her trap. 


She turns them both into bloody messes. 


Bellatrix doesn't kill them right away, once her pounding heart settles, once the haze of fury slides from her mind. They're moaning on the floor in front of her, barely conscious, tortured half into insanity - she might've gone a bit overboard with the Cruciatus. Motivation. So you'll know what you did wrong. So you'll remember this lesson. 

It's not so dangerous, cast without malice. And this is for your own good. 

She cast with enough malice that even if the healers spirited them away to the best hospital in the world right this moment they'll never recover. 

She feels...

Numb. Is that it? Are all those screams it? Is that as much as they can be destroyed? 

She wants to demolish everything they've ever built -

Do they really deserve that much effort from her? That much care about whether they exist? 

Bellatrix looks numbly around the room. There's no heads hanging on the wall, not since Bellatrix set their living room on fire as a child. Just the stuffy trappings of a decrepit family who think they have something to be proud of.

She turns and leaves her once parents moaning on the floor. 


She pulls out the nicest expandable trunk they have. Tosses everything she doesn't care about out of it. Loads it up with all the contents of her sisters' rooms. Everything from her own, even - she long since stopped keeping things she's attached to in this house, but perhaps someday she'll discover sentiment. The family library fills two entire compartments. The jewelry and artwork and silverware and some furniture she knows Cissy coveted fills another. She pulls her sisters' baby things out of storage. Even digs up Andy's cat's grave from the backyard - the only pet any of the girls bothered to have before they learned better. 

It's not much out of a mansion full of bad memories. 

Bellatrix drags the trunk out past her parents, stopping to heal them just enough they'll stay conscious a bit longer. 

She stops on the front lawn. Sets the trunk down. Turns back to her house. Sears her Lady's symbol in the yard, massive, dug deep into the soil with all Bellatrix's boiling fury. 

And then she sets her house on fucking fire. 


She watches until it's beyond saving - until the alarm's gone up enough in the nearby town that it's dangerous to stay any longer. 

Bellatrix leaves a roiling mass of fiendfyre behind, every flickering shape in it taking the form of an enraged lionness. She's never cast the spell before, has heard all the warnings -

She's fairly sure it'll soothe itself and wink out once its target has been consumed entirely. If not... Well, Aurors have tamed fiendfyre before. It's not like she'll miss any of her neighbors caught in the blast first. 

She returns quietly to her Lady. She feels like she should be shaking. She isn't. 


"Dear Bella. Happy birthday." She takes in the trunk. "The house is gone?"



She's not angry at her Lady. Never. But - it feels like the fire crawled under her skin and now won't go away.


"Mm. Show me."


She does.

(She's perhaps actually shaking now.)

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