The Rooms of Antiquities, the pleasant female voice can be heard from the earbuds of the electronic tour guide, contain a number of peculiar objects, many of which are not, in fact, ancient. Several of them were in fact thought to be ancient until they were discovered to be forgeries, or merely more modern pieces confused for older ones.
"Not that you probably know, since you've been in a museum for however long, but it's actually Easter Sunday today. Happy Easter."
...that is the wrong thing to tell Kero.
"Chooooooocolate! Yes, let's get chocolate! How much chocolate?"
"I... We probably have some, but not a huge amount? You can't go eating bucketfuls or anything; we don't have that much. And my dad's still here, so you can't go downstairs yet anyway."
"I guess?"
He goes downstairs and sees his dad. Apparently he's going to a museum. Would Theo like to come along? No thanks, Dad, Theo's fine after his last trip to the museum. Goodbye, Theo's dad.
He grabs a couple of bars of chocolate โ surely the bear can't eat that much โ and goes back upstairs.
He presents one to Kero. "Here you are," he says.
"Yeah, you can have another chocolate bar," he says, feeling generous. "My dad's going to a museum, so you'll be allowed to move around soon."
He goes back downstairs and gets more chocolate. His dad's just leaving, and notices the chocolate, but isn't particularly worried. It is somewhat unlike Theo to eat so many sweets in one go, but it's not particularly worrying.
Back upstairs: "Here you are."
"So. Anything in particular I should do today? Another method to improve my magical ability, perhaps?"
Sure, why not. Where should we meet?
"Apparently we're going shopping with Sadde," says Theo to Cerberus.