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that looks like a pretty intractable problem you've got there have you tried throwing more leareths at it
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Starwind and Moondance, looking a bit confused but mostly resigned, are hauled across the Gate without incident, accompanied by Savil and Melody. 


The evacuation proceeds. The Heralds and Companions are very alarmed, especially by the claim that something dangerous is about to happen in the Palace but they don't have time to evacuate the entire city, but with Yfandes pushing and Kellan and Sondra backing her, they go through the Gate. 


"Leareth, Vanyel. We will speak again after." 

Aroden nods to them, and then Teleports himself to the location that Vanyel shared with him, still within Valdemar's borders to the northeast, but adjacent to the Pelagirs.


Nefreti shows up exactly one second later. "Fancy seeing you here!" she says brightly. She's flying, but not at this moment a dragon.


"Nefreti." He casts his first Wish, getting started on the scaffolding. 

Nothing seems to disrupt it. 


Back in Haven, Shavri scrambles through the Gate, holding tightly to her daughter's hand. :Jisa, pet, you stay near me: 


Jisa, unlike all the adults pouring through on either side of her, doesn't look scared at all. She's so excited. Her eyes are almost popping out of her head as she tries to look around at everything at once. 



She considered going invisibly through the Gate to the other world but that would be stupid so she did not do it. It'd be a perfect task for a familiar, if she were the conventional kind of wizard who had a familiar who was a bird or something. As it is, she'll just try to get a good view of the other side so if she's ever powerful enough to Plane Shift and Teleport she has a destination in mind.


There is a well-maintained lawn with pretty gardens, and a path, and some very ancient-looking stone buildings further off, and a crowd of people, most of them dressed in white and riding or walking alongside white horses, are streaming through. They all look confused and scared. 


"Taver says there's some sort of plan, he knew about it - I'm so irritated nobody warned us," Randi snaps to Shavri. "Did Starwind and Moondance make it across at least?"


"They're with Savil." 




"–Goddamnit, I don't know. Didn't see him. I assume Delian would've got someone to go for him, but - I should go back and check. Watch Jisa, all right, don't let her out of your sight." Shavri shoves Jisa's hand into her father's grip. "Jisa, be safe, please - I'll be right back, I promise..." 

She runs back through the Gate, against the tide of people. 


"Papa papa can we go look at what's over there?" 


"Not right now, pet, we need to stay here and figure out what's going on– Hmm?" One of the other Heralds is addressing him. "Sorry, say that again...? No, I don't know either, Van just showed up with a Gate. And Leareth and Aroden. I'm sure there's a sensible plan and we'll find out soon." 

People keep flocking to him, apparently assuming he knows the answers to their questions, which he doesn't. He hangs onto his daughter's hand and does his best to offer reassurances. 


Shavri gets back at a run. "It's all right, Keiran has hi– Randi. Where is our daughter." 


"- Jisa? She was right there... JISA???" 


Jisa is tearing her way through the crowd, which contains a number of local onlookers now as well as the Heralds. She's looking for wizards. You can tell that people are wizards because they're sort of brighter and glowy, Mama says it's their spells and Uncle Van can see all the magic folded up small, but to her Sight it just looks brighter than normal people. The person she passed who Mama said afterward was Aroden was so bright, but she didn't even have a chance to talk to him. 

That lady is brighter than normal people. "Hey!" Jisa calls out to her. "Are you a wizard? Can you teach me how to be a wizard too?" 


"I don't speak your language, I'm sorry," she says.


Awww. She was bothering Mama to learn some of the languages here too but Mama doesn't speak them herself and never got around to finding her a tutor. 

Maybe Mindspeech works! :Can you understand me?:


Are you reading my mind?

She's going to immediately start thinking about sex.


:Oh, is that how that bit works, Mama said she wouldn't tell me until I was older: Jisa smiles brightly at the lady. :I didn't mean to read your mind very much, I can stop. Can you teach me to be a wizard?: 


I am only a very little bit of a wizard, I do laundry at the palace. I guess I can try teaching you how to do laundry but kids your age mostly can't learn and I am worried your parents will be mad at me for, uh, teaching you how that bit works.


:Don't worry, I won't tell them! My mama said I would usually be too young to learn but I'm very very smart: 


That's very impressive! I will get in trouble if I don't do my job but if you are still interested then maybe on my day off I can try to teach you the cantrip for laundry! 

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