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that looks like a pretty intractable problem you've got there have you tried throwing more leareths at it
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The earth shudders. There's - something like a flash of mage-energies too fast for senses to catch them.


The light at the surface seems to be drawing closer, and Leareth has a slightly clearer sense that he's definitely here to do something - help Abadar with something - he reaches for the vague metaphorical sense of the city with its towers and trolleys -


There's some sort of nearby explosion, the ground shakes violently, and the entire building collapses onto them. 


For a fraction of a second Leareth is back in his body, and then there's an instant of agonizing pain and then nothing. 


This will work even less well than it did last time. 


Pretty much instantly he's back. Also in a tiny Leareth-sized pocket surrounded by fallen rubble. 

He reaches blindly for Abadar. :What–:


:The building seems to have collapsed: he says. It's just normal Mindspeech, no sensation of being inside something vast. :I am not sure if Vanyel is alive. No one else was in the affected radius. The Star-Eyed is gone now. used your contingent Resurrection.:



He's not injured, or he doesn't think so, it's hard to tell because everything is vague and confused and also his head hurts so much. Thinking is mostly not working.

He lies there with his eyes closed and vaguely hopes that eventually he'll be somewhere else that is better than this. 


Vanyel wakes up in near-darkness with a lot of uneven rocks digging into various parts of his body. He's - alive, there's that much. He definitely has at least one broken bone, but his shields, and both Leareth and Aroden's magic items on him, seem to have held it off enough that he wasn't just squashed like a bug. 

...It must have been a close thing, because he remembers talking to the Shadow-Lover. Mostly trying to get answers about whether or not it had worked, and getting frustratingly cryptic ones. 



Ow ow ow OW. 


Well, he can hear Leareth making sounds, so he's alive. They're distressed sounds, so probably Vanyel shouldn't Mindspeak him any more. He remembers that Leareth always has a headache after just talking to Abadar, let alone anchoring him for a complex magical ritual, and then there's whatever the other thing was. 

He lies there for a while, gathering his strength. Digging them out seems so impossible right now. 

He's still in contact with Leareth, thankfully. And can hear him whimpering in pain occasionally, so knows he's alive. 


:Van: She's been trying to reach him for a while. :Van, just Gate out of there with him. Get him to Osirion, the pharaoh seems likeliest to know what in all hells just happened, and Aroden's busy. I'll be fine, someone can come back for me: 


:All right: Easier said than done, though. 

Eventually, Vanyel summons the wherewithal to fumble together a shaky unscaffolded Gate-threshold underneath them. It takes him a while. 

- and they tumble to the ground just outside the Dome, along with quite a lot of crushed stone before the Gate snaps down. 


There are people on hand who can do a bunch of bursts of positive energy while they move the stone out of the way, and then hit Vanyel and Leareth with Restoration and carry them into the Dome. 

"Uh, what happened," one of them asks Vanyel once they can see him.


“Palace collapsed,” Vanyel manages. “Explosion. Leareth - something else went wrong. Abadar knows.” Maybe.  


Restoration helps with the backlash, but not the godheadache or - whatever else is wrong with Leareth’s head. He lets himself be moved. Doesn’t try to communicate. 


They get set up in a room in the palace. Khemet comes in. Tries Break Enchantment.


Some of the wrongness, the sense that his brain is full of sticky spiderweb and things are in the wrong places, eases. Leareth can carve out a small corner in his head where thoughts are possible. It doesn’t help at all with the godheadache, or with the rest of his general confusion. 

He tries to ask where he is but it comes out not very comprehensible.


"Van, do you know what happened - Abadar said the Star-Eyed tried to mess with Leareth -"


“I was hoping you knew. We were in there and he just suddenly collapsed on the floor and went unresponsive, but he was still in rapport with me so I just - held onto him and kept trying to talk to him. And then I think we did it. Except the building collapsed on us at the end.”


"You did do it." He paces. "- Nayoki. We should get Nayoki."


“I think she’s in Egorian, she did the Gate to Haven.”


"Leareth and Vanyel successful, Leareth injured by gods fighting in his head, come to Sothis or tell me where to send someone," he says tensely.


Nayoki is exhausted from the Gate, even after a Lesser Restoration, but within minutes one of Aroden’s wizards Teleports her to just outside the Dome.


Then they can hurry her on in to where the pharaoh and Vanyel and Leareth are. The pharaoh is pacing.

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