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that looks like a pretty intractable problem you've got there have you tried throwing more leareths at it
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:Thank you!: Jisa beams at her, while memorizing her face (and the flavour of her mind, which involves maybe peeking a little bit at her thoughts but it's only a little and it's really hard not to when they're right there.) 


She's thinking about sex. Compared to when most people are thinking about sex a weirdly large proportion of this is just thinking the word SEX very loudly. 


She heads off to do her job.


Since Jisa has no baseline for comparison, she is now eagerly looking forward to sharing her newly-gained secrets on how sex works, including the part where you have to think 'SEX' very loudly a lot. 

She'll definitely be able to find the wizard laundry lady again, though, and maybe the lady can introduce her to a better wizard who will be more impressed with her after she knows the one spell. Jisa is very sure that she's clever enough. She can read books just as fast as Mama can now. 


"Jisa!" Shavri finally spots her daughter and runs over to scoop her up. "I told you not to run off!" 


"Sorry, mama." 


Back on the edge of the Pelagirs, Aroden expends his final Wish diamond and finishes his distance-cast scaffolding. 

"Nefreti, your turn." 


She casts Miracle and asks Nethys to make her more powerful so she can do this. She used to be so frustrated with how he'd never grant her miracles until she realized he would always and only grant this one. 

And she starts her work on the scaffolding Aroden made. 


And Aroden Teleports himself to Urtho's Tower, also plucked from Vanyel's memory.


The Palace is clear and then it's time to MOVE. 

Leareth follows Vanyel, who actually knows where the hell he's going. He is not panicking at all, because it wouldn't help. 


They're both so thoroughly shielded and if they die they can get resurrected back in Golarion and Vanyel is still completely and utterly terrified. Which is fine. He's used to doing complicated difficult magic while completely and utterly terrified and also way more tired than he is right now. 


They reach the Palace building. The hallway.

They reach the Heartstone room, and Vanyel doesn't need to be in it he just needs the door open, and nothing is on fire or collapsing yet - Leareth reaches out to slip into rapport with Vanyel - 

- and reaches for Abadar, reaches past the usual cleric interface, he's really badly hoping that his god is paying attention to him at this key moment. 


Vanyel, one mental hand linked with Leareth, who is now linked to Abadar, reaches in with his other metaphorical hand and grasps for the energies of the Heartstone. 


For a few seconds, everything seems to be going as planned. It's a very weird experience, Leareth feels half in the stone hall and half falling into Abadar's magic, poised in between - but it's working - 


- and then suddenly he isn't there anymore. He's somewhere else entirely. 

Urtho's Tower is on the horizon, silhouetted against the sky, for one final moment before it goes in in a wall of blue-white fire–


Leareth makes a wrenching effort to - look around, orient, something, where is he, this doesn't make sense, is it a nightmare - he can't seem to wake up from it - he's supposed to be somewhere else -


Abadar is in a fight with the Star-Eyed not well represented even in metaphor. The Star-Eyed is very, very powerful, here; Abadar is far from home and has pulled all of his attention back. Some confused clerics somewhere aren't getting their spells. Iomedae and Asmodeus will have to handle her at the Tower but they'll be up for it, and are fully without-loopholes shaped to do it. 


He explains, while they are trying to tear through Leareth's head together, that this is not because she had him assassinated but because there was an agreement about the disposition of souls and she broke it. 


:Leareth - Leareth, what's wrong, focus, can you hear me–:


The voice comes from a very long way off. Leareth tries to answer it but he can't figure out how. 

- a bridge collapses onto him and everything goes dark - 

- he's on a ship and the ship is on fire - 


Disoriented, dizzy, Leareth drags himself back to the stone hallway for a quarter of a second, tries to say something to Vanyel–


Something seems to shuffle, shifting, reality itself buckling and sliding beneath him. 

- he's under attack, by what seems to be several entire armies, hundreds of mages, converging on him, and it's obviously futile, he's in pain, injured, maybe dying -

(But one final burst of fire could at least take out some of them.) 

(Some other part of Leareth's mind is still quietly noting that the situation does not make very much sense and he's confused, or should be confused, if he could find the wherewithal for it, he's so tired and everything feels distant...) 


Leareth wants cities, wants wealth, trade, wants Aktun, spent several days there in sheer delight Abadar felt every second of. Abadar knows who Leareth is. 

The Star-Eyed is a god of trusting faithful communities, who rips them to bits for her own convenience. She's the god of a lie, and she's lying. 


Leareth feels Abadar's presence. Clings to it. He's too disoriented to really parse what it means, except that - he's where he's supposed to be, he needs to keep doing this, he can keep doing it. 


:Leareth, damn it: Leareth is on the floor and isn't responding to him, but he's somehow still in rapport, and still in contact with Abadar, so Vanyel just holds onto him and keeps his link to the Heartstone and desperately hopes Abadar is almost done and knows what he's doing. 


Everything is dark and everything hurts and Leareth can't hold a train of thought for more than half a second, so he keeps trying over and over to remember where he is, stuck in an endless loop of confusion and fear. 

- He feels something reaching for him, and he doesn't remember its name or any of its properties but it knows him and it holds onto him in the darkness. 

- shining city, buildings hundreds of floors tall, trolleys moving through the sky - 

He senses a direction he can move toward, as though swimming for the window of light just visible at the surface of a very very deep pool, straining ahead. 


What are we doing, where are we, why is everything wrong. 


:Star-Eyed: he sends, urgently. :Lying. Come here - please -:


He's not sure where 'there' is but he's trying, he's trying so hard. 


:Leareth, it's all right: It's absolutely not all right and that is a filthy lie. Vanyel kind of wants to yell at Abadar to DO SOMETHING, but he suspects Abadar is already doing as many things as He can. 

Are they almost done yet. He really desperately hopes they're almost done. 

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