hey baby, did it hurt when you fell from heaven
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"You have that spell that lets you make someone - forget something you just said to them, right -"


"I do." He didn't prepare it today but he has his focus that will let him cast it anyway. "I...am not sure it will help, even then, but...you if anyone has a right to know what I am..." 


"I want to know. Even if just for a little bit, even if I won't believe you. - and if while I know I tell you to go away without us and never come back then you should - tell me I thought that."


"Of course." There are tears in his eyes as well, now. "You should - write a note to yourself. Not what it is, please - if you try to write any hints I will have to tear it up - but whether you wished to come with me or for me to go away or - something else..." 


She nods. She gets some paper and a charcoal.


He sits down on the bed beside her, not touching her. Closes his eyes.

"I used to be Aroden. He - I - was immortal as a human, before - becoming a god, and that - still worked, and so I came back. One of the gods betrayed me and killed me, and I do not know which, so I would like to avoid any of them realizing who I am." 


She looks very incredulous. She writes on the paper 'take care of him'. She smiles at him, through watery eyes.


He casts the spell to take away her memory of the words, and then leans his head on her shoulder. 


She reads her paper. 

"Okay," she says. Takes a deep breath. "I'd rather not travel without you and with a new baby. So we should leave together. I can ask my brother to handle the house."


"All right. I think we should go to Thuvia. We can - I had been thinking I would simply use the Mount spell, but that does not work well for all of us. I suppose we can easily afford renting a carriage, and the possessions that represent most of our wealth are easily transportable, since they consist mainly of spellbooks and magic items. I will pack my books. You should decide which other things you feel most fond of. We could ask your brother to handle everything else. I - gods, I am tempted to suggest Nefreti take over the school, since it exists and has a building and students and all. She is nearly as good as I am. I know she is a woman but if anybody could make it work, it would be her - also she is a cleric of Nethys now." 


- shaky giggle. "I don't know if it'd work but it seems better than - abandoning them all - especially the ones you bought who have nowhere to go -"


"I will leave a note saying that she has my permission to do so once we are gone. Please do not let her in today. I - I hope she will not be too badly hurt. Knowing her, she is probably furious." 

And he starts furiously packing all of his books and notes. 


And she goes down and teaches the other students. Stops Nefreti at the door. "He said come back tomorrow."


She casts Charm Person. 


Sigh. "I think he's treating you very badly. But he said come back tomorrow so I'm not letting you in today. You haven't seen him angry."


"I would like to."


"You really wouldn't." And she closes the door, firmly, in her face, and rests her head hopelessly against the door, and then - goes back and teaches the other students and tells them that their teacher has been called out on urgent business.


He packs all of the belongings that matter to him. Nearly all of them are magic-related. 

He buys passage on a ship; it turns out nearly all travel to Thuvia is by sea, even though it's adjacent overland, it's all desert. He goes out and arranges to rent a carriage to arrive that afternoon, to bring them to the docks; they'll pack everything in tonight but leave very early in the morning, before Nefrefi can possibly be there for lessons. 

He writes a letter to Nefreti, apologizing, saying that it isn't her fault and he's not angry with her and he wishes her the best - and would be pleased and relieved if she wanted to take over the school, he knows she can do it. He gives it to one of the servants, to hand over to her whenever she shows up the next day. 

The students leave and the carriage arrives; it's roomy in the back, lots of room for crates and luggage. They won't fill all of it with the possessions they had time to pack up. He starts carrying things out. 


Saba cries. Parmida does not cry but she is kind of giving her husband the cold shoulder, and massaging her belly anxiously.


It's very reasonable and fair for both of them to, really. He hugs Saba and apologizes to him for all of this, but his eyes aren't really focused on the boy, or on anything in the world around him. 

They ride to the docks and porters can help them unload and reload. He paid for a pretty nice berth for them. A massive step-up from the last miserable trip across the Inner Sea. Absently, he asks Saba if he remembers that at all. 


Saba is not speaking to him right now, apparently.



He wonders if he's overreacting. Maybe Nethys' sudden interest in Nefreti wasn't related to him at all. But...he doesn't think he can afford to take that risk. Not now, not yet.

They travel. The ship food is all right. 

They reach Thuvia. 


Thuvia's coastal capital, Merab, is much smaller than Sothis and somewhat quieter. It's not on a fertile river; the desert stretches away in all directions. There's a grandiose temple to Sarenrae visible from the port. People still speak Osiriani, here, though with a markedly different accent.


Well, nothing for it but to get off the boat, rent another carriage, find temporary accommodations, and try to figure out what their options are in this city or the surrounding regions. He might prefer the surrounding regions. The temple looming on the horizon is suddenly oppressive. 


The surrounding regions are mostly desert but he could go for a village along the coast if he wanted.

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