hey baby, did it hurt when you fell from heaven
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She tries to prepare the cantrip; she's not used to trying to hold magic into a stable pattern and it slips away. She looks murderously angry with the magic for about two seconds, tries again. Tries again. Tries again. Tries again. - gets it.

"I was holding it in my head but I think there was something about it I wasn't paying enough attention to," she says, without any satisfaction, the instant the spell is stable. "Can I practice that step again with another spell -"


"Right now? You should try to do some things with it first, and then I can give you Detect Magic, that is usually the next one I teach since it is so very useful for learning more things." Also, that might be fewer tries than it took him to get his first cantrip. He is incredibly impressed. 


"It's just that I think the thing I was doing wrong is in my head now." She closes her eyes, thinks. Thinks some more. Her fingers twitch.

Then she opens her eyes again and tries to cast the cantrip; that step is much easier, and works fine, and she can make things colored or nudge them a bit with no more deftness than any of her classmates. 

"What's it doing -"


He tries his best to explain, pulling on a god's memories seen dimly and distorted as though through fogged glass; he still has Silent Image up so he can use illustrations. 

Then he gets out the ink again and copies the spell for Detect Magic into her new beginning spellbook, though he explains that she won't be able to cast it right away, probably not for a few hours, she's going to be starting out without a lot of magical reserves although he thinks she'll get stronger very fast, and soon she'll be able to learn how to recoup the energy from her cantrips as she casts them and then she can do as many in a day as she likes. 


She nods very seriously and eventually her supply of questions is exhausted. "Thank you for teaching me," she does manage to remember to say, eventually.


"It is my pleasure." He hands her the spellbook. "This is yours. Come back tomorrow. Make sure you get a good night's sleep." 


She nods very seriously!


He goes and tells his wife about their extremely promising new student. "She will not be able to pay us, but we can write a contract for an apprenticeship arrangement like the one that I did, and - it would be a tragedy for her not to learn magic. She is brilliant."


"Oh, that girl! If you say so. There might be trouble, you know, if we're teaching children without their father's permission now."


"...I had forgotten about that concern. How difficult do you think it would be to obtain her father's permission? Surely it ought to be easier if we agree not to charge for it." 


"Probably! He might worry about her marriage prospects but if she's a wizard that's much less of a disaster. You could offer to marry her?"


"Huh! ...That seems rather excessive, I doubt she wants to marry me and - I was not really planning to marry a second wife, at least not without a great deal of thought. Is there any way we can relieve his worries about her marriage prospects - if the difficulty is her being alone with a man, we could say that you are always there for lessons. Unless she recounts her lesson today to him, but I doubt she was planning to." 


"That will help somewhat but I think there's also just the worry that if you've been raising your daughter like a son then she won't take to being a wife well? My father used to worry about that with reading but I was like, well, I can always stop."


"I am very confused why a man would not want a wizard for a wife! Magic is so useful. She was planning to learn magic either way, you know. By subterfuge if necessary. More subterfuge than coming here presumably without asking her parents." Sigh. "Probably it will go better if I talk to her father myself? But I think we had better use Charm Person so you can tell me what to say, I am very bad at that sort of thing." 


"All right." And she Charms him, smiling fondly.


He kisses her and then Charms her back and heads out to talk to his new student's father. 


She feeds him lines. Nefreti showed up at their house to ask for magic lessons. He would like to tutor the girl for free, because she's obviously talented enough to warrant it; his wife is his magic assistant and will chaperone, of course, and maybe also set a good example.

The man is somewhat indignant and glowers a bit and mutters about charlatans without any real magical talent and impressionable young children. 


Any help? he asks Parmida. I could point out that she will be able to show him more spells tomorrow - maybe even today, if her reserves are recovered from the first casting. 


Probably worth pointing out. You might also do some magic yourself, so he knows you at least are genuinely capable of it.


So he points this out, hoping Nefreti has in fact saved her energy rather than immediately casting another spell as soon as she could, and he tells the man the wizard he apprenticed with (not that he even learned most of his magic there), and offers to demonstrate some magic for him; he has his focus and can cast a spell he hasn't prepared for today, even, to show he knows more than just cantrips. 


Nefreti comes to the door and shoots a murderous glare at him and then can, in fact, cast Prestidigitation for her father, who grumbles that that's very impressive and he'll consider whether she may continue in her lessons. And then shuts the door in their faces.


...Well, that could have gone better but it could also have gone worse, and it seems a lot less fraught than doing a secret under-the-table apprenticeship with a twelve-year-old girl in an extremely patriarchal society. 


And she does in fact show up the next day, though she glares at him. "He would never have noticed, you know. He has twelve."


"I am not comfortable on principle with plans that require subterfuge and might explode in my face if the subterfuge ever fails. I apologize that I did not discuss it with you first, though, I am not from Osirion and it only occurred to me that your father might object when my wife mentioned it. think he should be very proud of you and feel honoured. Anyway, have you figured out what you thought you were doing wrong on the first try?" 


"Think so." And she tries it again, gets it on the first try. "Hah."

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