Eclipse Bell in Arda
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Got some. That one was popular anyway.


Should stretch for passengers. Teekay can too.


There are people working on that, too.


Isabella gets some Elves in touch with some Earthlings who can talk to them without her so they can solicit eclipse management help. Earth is used to thinking of eclipses as public duty sorts of things and a few people are willing to help for free.


That's appreciated. They get Maitimë's notes out of her office and try to figure out the locations of all of the relevant Elven communities. In Valinor they can at least make sure all the kids don't eat for a few weeks.


And they even know who most of the kids are, from last time.


Yup, there are some tiny Elves very excited about getting magic powers. And Vairë is trying to figure out reembodiment, since some Elves will presumably die in all this. 


Isabella can try to get some information from Taylor and Ahmad on how they're doing with that in case it's easier for mages than for non-Mandos Valar; the details will be intransmissible but they can at least provide a time estimate, mention if it branched from anything else they knew usefully...


It took Taylor eleven years but that was while working simultaneously on something else, and Ahmad twelve but he had two other projects, didn't branch in either case. Ahmad thinks he'll have teleportation pretty soon, he's got what feels like all but one of the pieces, does Isabella happen to know where he should go - Valinor, or somewhere totally clear of the Elf power struggle thing -


If he just wants to get away from the Elf power struggle thing he should probably just go somewhere it is not happening. There's plenty of civilian communities on Beleriand who could find enough use for a teleporter to keep him in lunches. (She doesn't warn him about the eclipse; he can go somewhere they're short on teleporters and maybe be useful moment of.)


Cool. He'll let her know when it clicks.


...I have two questions and I'm a little worried the first one will cause that temporal interference effect, is there a way to be sure it won't?


Does it involve me predicting someone predicting something? Or Eru saying anything, that also does it.


No, just an inference about the future the mechanism of which is unclear to me.


If it's about eclipse timing your guess is as good as mine, we're ridiculously lucky that worked in the first place...


Figured it out from which kids eclipsed and which didn't - there are a couple kids three days apart, one went last time, one was 'closer to' this time - it should be in eighteen days. I have no idea what happens if we don't do it in eighteen days. We're not quite ready but maybe the fact it's supposed to be in eighteen days suggests that more people are going to get things falling in between now and then -


I don't know. On Earth nobody can affect the timing of eclipses at all, they're fixed. I'll make sure I'm paying lots of attention on the day in question - might be we need to suddenly melt Utumno ready or not -


And I'll have the kids start fasting now. Second thing is, is there a way to block Liz without making it obvious that we're deliberately blocking her -


It'll be an obvious hypothesis whatever we do but she doesn't get direct confirmation if the mechanism is someone alerting me so I can see what happens if I address her.


Okay. If Melkor has even a few minutes' notice she might be able to kill every orc in her surroundings -


This is why I wanted to do it while Liz is asleep.


Sounds good if we get to choose the timing. 


Anyway, that was all, by all means get back to Vala-killing.


Will do.

She's trying to get it to come in without a range limit. She's got several powers without range limits, why not this one, no two eclipsed work exactly the same way...

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