Eclipse Bell in Arda
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If she doesn't have the kids' loyalties secured she might be having them do more unambiguously positive projects first - or trying to do portals on her own, we know the Valar can do that -


Likely. How much will it slow her down to be working alone?


No idea. Some, but - she's also had a lot of time to think about it, and they got it together pretty fast for Valar -


Question is whether she can escape faster than I can kill her.


And I'm sure she knows it.


Yeah. I might be able to get higher quality intel if I made it look like an opportunity to distract me.

She did the math and learning to do wholly without sleep wouldn't net positive. Even if she were on Earth and needed to do it twice as much, though the margin would be a lot narrower there. The lucid dreams do not waste her time.


Sometimes she curls up on the ground and cries. Sometimes she doesn't move at all. Sometimes she shrinks away in horror. Sometimes she recognizes her and drops, expression blank, to her knees. 


Isabella refreshes her memory whenever she's about to catch her asleep, so at least Maitimë knows - the class of things that might be going on.

Isabella doesn't touch her. Flinches when she kneels, decides it would be counterproductive to tell her to stop - or make her stop - buries her face in an illegible dream book, finishes Christmas Carol, picks up Don Quixote, picks up Julius Caesar.


Occasionally Maitimë is lucid enough to comment that she liked the other ending better.




"I hope I am wasting lots of Melkor's time making her write plausible AU fanfic of Earth classics."


"Maira. Melkor - haven't seen."


"Well, Maira missed her literary calling."


"You wanna tell me the other ending or just - I was gonna do Pride and Prejudice next."



"It is a truth universally acknowledged," Isabella mumbles into her illegible prop -


And after a while she vanishes.


And whenever Isabella gets somewhere with Liz she resets -

She thinks about killing Ainur a lot.


After a while Liz starts automatically checking if she's in a precognition as soon as Isabella initiates a conversation.


She checks in on the mages now and again but they know less.


And the Valar figure out how to give Earth a sun-and-moon like lighting system complete with regular eclipses should they go and deploy that right now?


They should not have an eclipse until somebody learns lockdowns, has anybody learned lockdowns?


Not yet! How long is that expected to take?


Seven years is standard starting from safe control but no control-training attention to the skill, they can improve on that by sleeping less and working really hard and by thinking about it while being hungry in the wilderness (which somebody should have done, right, she was clear enough about how much they will need lockdowns -)


Yes, yes, they're trying, it just hasn't clicked yet -

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