Eclipse Bell in Arda
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[I mean, you're lying or Maira is and tried to kill you and I trust her more than you -]


[Maybe she reads you and Melkor reads her and Melkor did it.]


[...maybe. I don't think she'd do that either - why would she do that -]


[Same reason all the other eclipsed died maybe.]


[That wasn't us - that can't have been us -]


[I know it wasn't you but I think it was Melkor or Maira. Taylor thought she'd get killed if she wouldn't go with you.]


And the other end of the line goes quiet.





No answer.


That's... something.

She pauses work on Liz to tell Nolofinwë that Liz has a few seconds of precog and can expect to develop more and if anything that even slightly might be the Enemy comes up the instantaneous reaction should be to solicit a prediction it doesn't matter what of from Isabella before doing anything else.


Noted, thank you, and I'll let everyone else know.


Let me know who I should leave my long-distance telepathy channel open for so I can cover all of Valinor, cost is low but adds up.


It might take a little while to convince Ingwë or Olwë to start doing this - they can presumably follow the logic but have no reason to trust you - but I'll send people now, hopefully we can get through to them pretty quickly -


They don't have to trust me with anything sensitive. As long as I can react to all suspicious events by seeing what would happen if I greeted Liz she'll fall out of attempts to precog about those events. Also I did save the entirety of Valinor from its unfasted eclipse, there's that for a reason to trust me.


Oh, if I can just have them tell you 'there might be something worth checking' then that'll be a much easier sell - and I don't actually know how much they've been told about that, the Valar being the ones who told them -


Stopping metabolizing was my idea and so was scheduling another eclipse to make sure the kids who were too young to do that wouldn't manifest, Ulmo's idea was literally telling people to murder the relevant children.


Charming. - would that have done it -


Only in cases where the order was obeyed.


Most people would, I think. Your way is better.


Yeah, someone will know how to do lockdowns by next time.


What's Liz's reason for murdering my mother?


Quote "Wasn't planning to. They found out and got in the way and they'd have killed us for trying if they'd gotten the chance." Maira seems to be puppetting Liz pretty closely but Liz still has loose justifications for what she does, they're just fabricated -


So that explains why she didn't just kill everyone in Tirion permanently, I'd been wondering.


I'm not sure why Liz killed them instead of Maira just physically killing them like the other eclipsed. Liz doesn't know about the other eclipsed, thinks they're alive; maybe it would've been hard to hide.


Once it's safe we can get a postcog, see what exactly happened. I'm sending people to our sister cities now, any news to bring beyond to check with you on anything that could be the Enemy?

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