Eclipse Bell in Arda
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If she starts out sufficiently friendly, Liz'll explain at length how the Valar are the real bad guys and Isabella should come join them all in Endorë, really, it's cozy, and orcs are kind of adorable once you get used to them. And if she then asks Liz's help figuring out why she precogged dying if she talked to Liz, but not if she talked to Taylor or Ahmed, Liz will alarmedly piece together that Maira must have killed her. If she does it with enough finesse Liz doesn't even accuse her of lying.


And then Liz'll go dark. 


And stays that way even if Isabella squeezes in the leadup to a few minutes and looks out to the end of her range -?


Nope, then she'll be back!



...with no memory of their conversation! And the first thing she'll do, after the 'hi', is try looking ahead with her own precognition.


Oh that explains that.

Can she convince her to not do that somehow -


Nope. "Hi" and then a check.



If she gives Liz eidetic memory -

- just gets rolled back again instantly, Maira's paying too close attention -

Okay. What happens if she talks to Taylor or Ahmad now?


In the precognition where she got Liz to believe Maira was evil? She only has a couple minutes of range left but Taylor also checks with Liz if the conversation's real. Ahmad doesn't.


If she starts from scratch and just talks to them first?


Both will talk to her. They are fairly nonchalant about being caught in some kind of Arda power struggle thing. They're not being accelerated. They think orcs are pretty cool and it sounds like Mandos was an asshole about that and they're pretty happy doing orc reembodiments.


Does that work already?


Nope, but Ahmed thinks he's close, it was one of his projects beforehand anyway, and the orcs are all immensely cheered that it'll ever be possible.


Can she figure out without tipping them off if they're missing any memories?


...yep, they are unaware there were other mages.


Wow okay. They do remember her though?


Yeah, definitely, she's the first person to land in Arda and everything.


Any reaction to being told of the attempt on her life -


...yeah, fits with their impression that they are in the middle of an Arda power struggle thing and lucky to be alive.


Well, they're not wrong. Can she convince either of them to go for teleportation or anything that would eventually let them bump off Liz (- or mercy-kill Maitimë -) in parallel with the orc reembodiment work?


... teleportation's tempting because then they could get out of here.


Isn't it just. And doubly so if she eidetics them, right, that doesn't even get them rolled back nobody's reading them as close -


Both of them will totally try that as much as they can justify the missing time. 


How closely do they think they're being monitored?


...pretty closely. This place is kinda terrifying and Melkor apparently has crazy magic that only works on her home territory? Or something?


Yeah. They do maintain private thoughts though?


Of course otherwise they'd probably be dead for even considering this. And all.

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