Eclipse Bell in Arda
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Well, as soon as it does they can have an eclipse - ideally there would also be more precogs - but if the eclipses are going to be regular and not something the Valar trigger at will, they should probably not have the sun and moon at all till they're ready. If food is super urgent, well, they can space out the eclipses in such a way that no new kids who can't control their metabolisms (results are inconsistent from hungry wilderness Elves on how hungry is enough to suppress uncontrolled manifestations) will not get their powers until the next eclipse.


The Valar can definitely set up the system to trigger eclipses at will.


Okay, in that case some light would be great -

- this is going to count for people in Endorë, too, that's how lunar eclipses that have nothing to do with Trees work -



...oh. Then the orcs would eclipse. That's - bad.


Liz now checks for precognition every time Isabella counterfactually talks to her.

This means Isabella can't derive much about her but it doesn't stop her from telling when Liz is asleep.

They can hold off on putting up the celestial bodies till they're ready, and then do it all at once and melt Utumno in a bunch of uncontrolled orc eclipses.

The Elf population of Endorë will need precogs and lockdowns but they may actually have enough of those to go around and some Elf mages are working on teleportation probably and could bring people where they need to be -


And they've had a few Earth years to work on it, by now; lockdowns start to click - one, then a month later a couple more -


And they actually know where a lot of the people in Endorë are from the counterfactual expeditions years back.


Not all of them - and the people there don't know to tell a precog if anything happens, so they're likely to miss some catastrophies - but a lot of them, yeah -


Osanwë makes it easier to coordinate things; they can tell people to catalogue the disasters and identify the eclipsed after shit goes down. Liz probably doesn't have the range to make that work and anyway almost certainly hasn't been working on lockdown; Isabella's got enough range to pull it off for the Endorë Elves.


Then they'll do that. 


...this presumably kills everyone in Utumno, does it do anything besides that, are they likely to arrive in not-Mandos-any-longer having been irrevocably damaged in some way -


Totally possible, depends what the orc psions do. Except for being obliterated, which is still an unsolved problem, psion damage is in principle psion fixable.


Well. Probably worth it.



Maitimë's asleep.


And they're in the middle of Little Women. Isabella goes to bed.


"Not more than usual." Book.


For a second she looks confused. Then - 




...asking Maitimë what she's talking about is usually regrettable, but, headtilt.


Maitimë is -


" figured out how to kill a Vala and you rescued me twenty years ago and I was catatonic for about ten and then someone figured out something for the flashbacks and we opened the portals to Earth again and I got the twins lovely coming-of-age presents to make up for missing half their childhoods and Laurië's engaged to some Earth musician - no?"


"- no. No I can't do that yet.

I didn't even know she could dilate time that far -

- we're, we're four chapters into Little Women.

How'd the flashbacks thing work, does she have that much fine control or did she have to waste Liz's time on it -"


She wrenches herself violently and vanishes -



Isabella sleeps alone.


They're going to have enough lockdowns; they don't have teleporters, mages weren't thinking to push for it. They're working at it now.

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