Eclipse Bell in Arda
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Maitimë still exists. (Isabella can't tell if she is embodied or not). Maitimë does not respond.


But she exists. Maybe - maybe later she'll -

- somebody's going to figure out reembodiments, someone has explained that to the eleven year old with the cookie, right? Somebody'll figure that out, it works on orcs just fine, and then -


Yeah, mages'll work really hard on that, they're going to have it inside a Year, this has been explained to the eleven year old with the cookie and anyone else wondering. 



The flyover of Angband and Utumno confirms that both of them were torn apart by horrifying and unfathomable magical forces. There's a patch of Angband where a few dozen orcs somehow survived; they can't move or speak, and after some deliberation the scouts kill them. 



Isabella cleans her plate. She digests a bit. She gets another plateful.

She tries to refresh Maitimë's memory and it doesn't work and that means -


- hey about those portals, uh, now that Melkor's dead and Maira's already ESCAPED TO EARTH -


- that's not good at all, is it. 


Yeah, they'll open them again, but it'll take some time.


How long.

(Alex, go somewhere, anywhere Maitimë wouldn't ever expect you, move our parents too, go go go -)


A couple weeks?


Practically instantaneous for Valar.


What, she wonders when she has also had an afternoon snack and some dinner, does in fact happen if she yells at Aulë and Yavanna about their respective omissions.


Aulë apologizes for not telling them where to look for Dwarf kingdoms. Dwarves are categorically immune to mind-altering magic so she'd hoped they wouldn't eclipse at all, and if they did worst-case they'd die (they have a nice afterlife all set) and she was really really busy trying to make the Tree-sun and Tree-moon and get their orbits to work.


Yavanna doesn't see what the problem was. There are Ents with extraordinarily powerful magic now? They are unlikely to use it to do stuff, if she's worried.


...okay, Aulë gets a pass, good on you for the nice afterlife thing.

Yavanna you suck, but Isabella is not going to actually in real life yell at you.


Do you know yet if any of the prisoners survived -


I can't tell the difference between disembodied and alive unless they'll talk to me. I can check if any of them got psionically obliterated.

She checks the others.


Rúmil and one other person have in fact been psionically obliterated. The others are just dead.


Isabella reports on this.


Thank you. What's the plan when you can get to Earth?


My Vala-killing power'll work on Maira too, but even if I can get it to come in range-unlimited I may not manage interdimensional.


And Earth's been warned -


Yeah. Doesn't help that I don't know where the portal led but they've been warned.


Are we sure it even leads to Earth?


That's what Taylor thought but we don't have proof.


Don't suppose we can find the actual portal -


That'd be useful - have any of the Elf psions got magic detection -


I'll ask -



A minute later - yeah, should I pair her with a teleporter and send them out looking?


Well, plan on it, I've got the juice to check without them getting that close to Maira.

Checking -


They find it. It takes most of the hour to find it and they can't get that close, it's under a lot of debris.

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