Eclipse Bell in Arda
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There are Elves outside singing.


She's got earbuds in; she sleeps in them, they don't affect her dreams and this way she doesn't have to be dizzy before she goes to bed adjusting to realtime.

She gets breakfast.

What does she have.


What happens if she addresses Liz.





What happened?]


[Uh, I found out the Valar were lying to us about everything and they blamed Melkor for stuff they did and the Vala-killing power clicked and I didn't want to use it to execute an innocent person and destroy Arda's best hope of stopping Eru's plan and Maira said we could run away to the Outer Lands instead so we did that.]


[Why'd you have to kill the Queen and Eärarincë on your way out?]


[Wasn't planning to. They found out and got in the way and they'd have killed us for trying if they'd gotten the chance - ]


[And all the other psions and the mages besides Taylor and Ahmad?]


[They're fine. We tried to talk them into coming with but it's a big decision and they didn't have much time to decide and they didn't want to leave their families...]


[Liz, they're dead. I'm only alive because I saw it coming, and not in time.]



[Oh my god. The Valar must have figured you could all do it too - oh god - we should have insisted they come -]


[It wasn't the Valar.]


[...yeah, that's what I've been telling you, they're secretly evil. I'm sure they said they didn't do it - and also Maira and Melkor were with me the whole time -]


[Yeah, nobody had to come near me to make me suddenly dead in the vision I got of that, I don't think them being with you means much.]


[They wouldn't have. They waited until we could do it without killing anyone but Mandos, even though one of the other psions could have gotten it and murdered her, any minute...]


[But you couldn't do it without killing anyone but Mandos, you killed two Elves too. You didn't even try asking me like you asked the other eclipsed.]


[That wasn't supposed to happen. I'm not a precog. And Maira figured you wouldn't believe it until we got out to Utumno and got the evidence and it was risky to ask you if you weren't going to listen, because you might tell the Valar - Maira thinks you're the one who got her put back in solitary -]


[Was someone talking to her? I didn't know you had communicative telepathy.]


[I don't. Maira was, and didn't tell me until afterwards in case I gave something away to the Elf dictatorship, they can pretty much read minds even without being psions...]


[Only public thoughts. Didn't you get a tutorial in how to shield thoughts? How was Maira talking to her?]


[Yeah, of course I did - Maira said they might tell anyway somehow - and dunno how she did it.]


[Did you know killing the Trees would count as an eclipse?]


[ Melkor wouldn't have either, that's weird, why does it work like that - were there people to do lockdowns -]


[There were not.]

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