I wish it was all a dream
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"I don't know if they all do but I sent it to Si-yeon so, probably? I can ask them not to talk about it though."


"I. Yeah. Please. But do make sure they know about and have access to it for - evidence purposes, I obviously want the - person - caught, just."

Her voice is coming out a little strange. And she stops at that 'just' again, not sure how to go from there.


Just it's a lot to ask, yeah. He hugs her. "Put it out of your mind. We'll deal with it, you don't need to worry."


Oh good. Hugs are good. She takes a deep breath and tries to do as he suggests.




"... I only got out because I left a beacon by the entrance," she says softly, for reasons she's not even sure of. "In the - bag of clothes and drinks and hot packs."


...he thinks he doesn't want to know how close a call it was, actually, but...

"That was very smart."


"I hadn't even - I thought I was maybe saving myself some time getting out, having one at all, you know. Avoid having to do backtracking and just find the most efficient path out. A convenience, not a life saver. ... I don't even remember most of that day, I think? Just. Waking up on the ground. I did more than just the one dungeon, right?"


"Yeah. That was your second one. ...it's why I asked you if you remembered me, at the hospital." He doesn't know what he'd have done, if she hadn't. Cried, probably.


"Yeah I - yeah. It seemed like such a silly question at the time, but. It really wasn't, was it." She shivers a little in his arms. "I'm probably missing other things, but I don't - trying to figure out which pieces I'm missing is kind of scary, actually? Um. ... I do seem like myself, right...?"


He laughs a bit and squeezes her tighter. "Yes. I almost cried at the hospital yesterday when you started talking because you were so, so yourself and I was terrified you wouldn't be and it was such a relief—"


"Oh." Nestle nestle. "Oh, good. Okay. ... It would be stupid to say sorry for scaring you, but, you know, um. Sorry for scaring you?"


He kisses the top of her head. "I'm glad you're okay now. ...as okay as possible, under the circumstances." Here. Alive. Herself.



She'll get back to figuring out room color schemes in a little while; for now, she's just going to get some snuggles.


When Hye-jin returns from her checkup with Ji-woo, she has a tupperware box of bukkumi (with adorable little edible flowers in them!!!! she's so charmed!!!!), a card, and eyes that are only a little bit misty.

".... Tadaima," calls Hye-jin, a little shyly, upon her arrival, as she moves to take off her shoes.


"Okaeri," he calls back from where he'd been lying on the living room sofa before he hops to his feet to walk over to her. "...everything alright?" he asks, still in Japanese.


"Yes. Um. I just. Got a card. And also sweets. Do you like bukkumi? I don't think I'm going to be able to eat all of these on my own..."

Behold: tupperware. There are so many little edible-flower topped dumplings in there, they're honestly a little bit squished. It makes her love it no less intensely.


"Oh. Yeah, they look tasty. ...uh, a card?"


"Yeah. With, um. A lot of signatures on it, and. Several notes. I thought it was going to be the standard 'get well soon' kind of deal, but, um."

She sets the tupperware down to free up a hand so she can open it and show him. The front does have a perfectly ordinary 'Get well soon,' to it, but the interior...

In the center of the card, surrounded by signatures and little notes of admiration and well-wishes and - everything else - is the sentence, 'We hope you incinerated the fucker' in a lovely and swooping calligraphy. In gold ink that perfectly matches the 'Get well soon' on the front. Printed as part of the card.

"I love it intensely and might keep it forever," she clarifies.


Oh it would be good if she'd incinerated the fucker... maybe, like, as a reaction... But probably not, she'd probably have noticed a charred corpse on her way out.

"That's very cute," he says sincerely.


She definitely doesn't remember it, and with her record of incineration she might not have left a corpse! This is a mystery for people who can tolerate watching a bodycam video of the wearer being shot, and not for the Hye-jin that is currently having experiences.

"It is! And, it's. ... I don't know, I would have expected something corporate or too stuffy or. ... I would not have gotten anything like this at White Star."


"...Quasar is good. I, I know you've had issues with guild president-nim, but..."


"Yeah. I know. I'm being slowly won over. But I'm still going to do the - pushing for an outside client-focused company thing. For - people that don't want to join Quasar. Plus while I like the people and a lot of what the guild does for me - besides the president - it's. Very decentralized and informal and. ... Sometimes I want some structure and formality? Besides, I definitely want to get friends outside of the guild. On principle. At some point." When she's not in danger of being assassinated.


"Yeah. I don't know how to get those, though." He's only just getting any friends at all again.


"One day I will get to lend you my super cool friend group," agrees Hye-jin, smugly. "Anyway. Where are we going for the meeting?"






"I was thinking we could have it here, actually?"

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