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Sparkles in Tileworld
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"Mm... I take it if I die it will ruin your life forever?"





"...yes." She has in fact considered alternate methods of suicide since meeting him.


He closes his eyes and thinks.




"If it somehow comes up, if I get badly hurt or dangerously sick or lethally poisoned or fall into a coma and start wasting away... Any situation where I will surely die and can't meaningfully answer questions, turn me."


She closes her eyes, then asks in a soft whisper: "Are you sure?"


"I might change my mind. I might decide to turn without being in danger. But for now, fear of oblivion, for me and you, wins against all the downsides."


"Thank you," she almost inaudibly breathes, clutching him a bit closer. "I love you."


"I like you a lot and expect it to increase."

Because love is a bit strong for now.


She's not expecting love right now. "I could maybe give you some venom so you could tell other people to, to inject you with it, if I'm not around...?"


"That sounds like a good idea, but not right here right now. I'll buy an emergency syringe, attune it to me, people with allergies have them and it's known that you should use them on them if they collapse. And label it boldly to only use if I'm in mortal peril. Though, people do hasty things a lot, might be better to attach a scan trigger so it only works on me and only if I'm in bad enough shape for a medical scanner to see red..."


"These sound like wonderful ideas. Your magic system's great."


"Oh, it'll probably take a week of effort if we want to be sure it'll work right the first time. And it'll be bulky, because med scanners are and interface golems kinda are too."


"Oh. Erm, maybe not that great an idea to carry those around, then."


"Lifeline amulet? They're pretty expensive but depending on what kind exactly they can alert each other and give a direction if the other one's wearer comes to harm, you'd be able to tell if I get hurt and sprint to me. Probably in less than a minute if you're anywhere within a half dozen tiles, given how fast you are."


"Might work... Can your magic do teleportation?"


"No, teleportation is not a known thing... There are expensive dangerous ways to go really really fast on short notice. Potions that make better rocket fuel than anything chemical, or abusing force crystals in hilariously stupid dangerous ways to send yourself flying in the correct direction. Might get you close to the sound barrier."


"Hmm... I think I may actually be able to break it if I do a full sprint, especially with the wings..."


"Should test that at some point. I really don't have enough money for lifeline amulets, though. Kind of niche. Rich parents give 'em to their children and the like."


"I can generate arbitrary biological matter," she reminds him. "Money will likely not be a problem."


"Eighty thousand," he challenges.


"I do not currently have eighty thousand on me," she admits. "I did generate more than that worth of matter to a guy who gave me a lift to civilisation. He paid me ten grand for it, plus he helped me learn to speak the local language, so I'm cool."


"We should talk to the enchanting department - they need materials a lot. Steady supply right there."


"And that's just your thirty-seconds idea. Plus, computers. I bet those will make us rich real quick."


"Sure, but there's a pretty sizable logistics, construction, design, and marketing process between now and selling computers. Unless you want to import a few thousand of them from your world."


"Do you guys have electricity? If you don't that's not gonna work very well."


"Bet I can make electricity with the right configuration and some research - There's obscure but known magic that detects it, five to one says there's just-as-obscure Concepts that generate it."

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