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Sparkles in Tileworld
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"Tch. Yeah, that's- Probably a good idea. You did ding its charge." He doesn't want to stop though. Risk of getting bruises be damned. "I might need a cold shower."


"Okay. Sorry." She pulls away from him and looks down, hiding her hands between her legs.


"...I just had a thought that I'm kind of slightly embarrassed of having because I didn't think I was particularly horny until today. But this just means we can't touch each other safely."


"—that is indeed the case."


He gives a little half-self-conscious smirk and looks down at her breasts, and then the rest of her. And starts taking his shirt off.


She does not stop herself from staring.


He flexes barely-existent muscles for like two seconds before breaking down in laughter at the absurdness of it. A runty nerd like him, posing.


"You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen," she says earnestly. She means it.


"Thaat is going to be slightly creepy for weeks minimum, but I'll deal. You're smart and know interesting stuff and magic and hot." And now his belt and shorts are in the process of coming off. Slowly.


She is drinking him up. Figuratively. With her eyes. He is probably the literal most interesting thing ever to her, right now.


Her earlier comment about hard things is possibly no longer strictly true thanks to the interruption.

That's being fixed though, mostly by her obvious attention.


She actually licks her lips, a bit, staring at it.


His hands... Hover there. "You too."


She nods and obeys, just as slowly, moving with a grace and sway of someone who could've had years to practise this.

The evidence of her excitement is less obvious than his but it is present.


He watches her almost as attentively, starting to, ahem, rub.


Oh well if he insists, she might have to do the same! Modulo different plumbing.

She bites her lower lips and stifles a whimper.


It's more fun than kissing.

Terel's not actually sure who will reach the interesting point first, but he's probably only going to manage it once.


She doesn't know either! But she turns out to make the most delightful noises and movements while she does it, her other hand reaching a bit higher on her body and pinching for some extra stimuli.


Nnnnn! He doesn't have an equivalent action readily available unless one counts changing the pattern. "Fucking hot, Sadde-"


He would be surprised about what erogenous zones are available to males.

And oh look now she has slipped a second finger in.


Honestly, he probably would, yes. For now his eyes are glued. Well, not really, they're moving around but only to different parts of Sadde.

He leans back and switches hands, then decides that both are called for.



Oooh, okay, now these noises Sadde are making probably indicate something else's going on.

It sounds like she might've lost the race. Or won, depending on how you may want to look at it.



Well, Terel's maybe fifteen seconds behind.


He flops backwards onto his bed. "That. Was pretty damn good."


She will not snuggle unless he wants her to. She will just sit there, her hands still suspiciously positioned if not doing anything much, and watch him adoringly.

"It occurred to me, halfway through, that I could probably biokinesis my superstrength away, too. But I wasn't very coherent then."


"...Well, that would be- Pretty good. Something to try in an hour or so? I'm not quite eager enough to down an energy potion right now."

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