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Sparkles in Tileworld
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Sadde's running.

Not for any particular reason, just because it's faster. He's been meaning to go to one of the capitals for a bit and now, he supposes, is as good a time as any.

And eventually he's not running anymore, because he's close enough to civilisation that someone might spot him. Not that he wouldn't be able to notice them by scent before they saw him, but still. And as he makes his way to the Norway capital at this more leisurely pace, he notices the tiny, shiny key. He walks towards it and picks it up and immediately notices just how magic it is. He can tell by the way the key feels like things, and different things depending on where it is.

He verifies that what the key feels like is consistent in absolute location by waving it around a bit and seeing that the same place always feels the same. "Huh," he murmurs to himself.

He straightens up and thinks. The first obvious thing to try is seeing whether it opens any doors—a universal skeleton key sounds like the kind of thing a magical key could be—but the second obvious thing can be tested right there and then. He pushes the key into thin air with some purpose, as if he wanted to unlock an invisible door, and then turns it, et voilà, the faintest of door-shaped outlines appears before him.

He locks the door, and it disappears. Unlocks it again, and there it is. So he pulls it open and sees—

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Forest on the left, utter emptiness on the right.

The land here just ends, abruptly, leaving space straight down for... Quite a long distance that fades into a deep blue. Off to the right is empty sky, nothing to have a horizon on.





He is a vampire. He can see quite a ways away. He—really should not be having trouble seeing the bottom of this, this...

He touches the key to his right thigh, shifting some room to absorb it, then zips to the very edge of the land, grabs a rock, and throws it.


The rock obeys the will of gravity, tumbling into the abyss.




Still falling.





It might be fading from view faster than it ought to, but then again it might not.


Okay. Okay this is. This is an. An actual bottomless pit. Like it actually does not have a bottom. It. It is literally. Bottomless. That is. That should. Not be possible. Like even if the bottom was very very deep it. Should er. That is not the thing that should have happened.

Just where the heck is he.


If the trees know, they aren't telling.

There's an unlikely-looking flying thing approaching from thataway. It should be falling out of the sky right now, what with being rather slow and not having wings.


Flight isn't impossible, as far as he knows of witchcraft, but out in the open like this...

What exactly is the flying thing?


It looks a lot like a flying wooden house, complete with chimney. Only a little concession to ship-ness, two little spars with engines and propellers and a glass walled control room(?) where someone is standing.

It's at least ten miles away right now.


Can he, er, run and leap that way? Or is it too high up?


Does he have wings? It's over the abyss.


He could make wings...



He could make wings. He's in a place with an abyss and a flying house, they probably won't bat an eye at the wings.

Well he might not ever need them, no need to make them now, if the house's flying towards him.

(Is it?)


Towards the land, at least. He'll have to do some running to meet it.


He can do some running. It's one of his favourite activities, as a vampire.


This forest is a prime example of uninhabited wilderness, none of the signs or scents of people.


It abruptly ends after about three miles and is replaced by a swamp.


...that is not how geography works. That is very much not how geography works.

Just how straight is the dividing line between these two... things...?


Perfectly. Only disturbed by where a few animals have crossed it recently. Older animal scent trails don't have any break. It must... Reset? Or something.


Okay now that is just bizarre.

He will try to go meet that house and see if the person knows what's going on here.


Swamp turns to lake at around the spot it will probably arrive. Water pours continually into the abyss.

There are hills that rapidly turn into a steep, angular mountain about a mile behind him. Is he going to do anything in particular to get the house's attention?


Yes. Yes he is. The thing he is going to do is push a twenty-metre-tall pole made of ivory from his right palm and wave it.


The pilot sees it and flashes some colored lights in return. Obviously some kind of code, but Sadde doesn't know it.


Sadde does indeed not know it, nor does he have the means to flash some. He does, however, have the means to cover the ivory pole with vampire skin, which will, naturally, sparkle.


The flying house turns right slightly, so as to pass over swamp and not lake. It's still a couple minutes out though.


Sadde can wait, and retract his protrusion as he does.


An alligator regards him sucpiciously.

Has he noticed that there are multiple suns yet? Only one close-in, the rest almost seem like unusually bright stars, but still.


He has noticed this, yes, but he is filing that in his "things to ask strange house person about" mental drawer.

(He also wonders how long the alligator will take to decide to be terrified of him. Alligators in this world probably didn't evolve the innate fear of vampires his world's have.)


It's regarding him from a healthy distance, so there's that.

The ship's groaning engines start spooling down. It descends to fly about thirty feet off the ground and comes to a slow, slow stop.

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