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Sparkles in Tileworld
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"Yes," she says, very emphatically, and now she kinda needs to kiss him more for that.


More kissing! And Terel's hands grabbing parts of Sadde and breathy giggles. "So many hormones floating around right now. Who cares?"


"I'm not positive I even have hormones anymore," she remarks between kisses. "But I didn't tend to care even when I was human, so."


"Yay for not caring." He tries the neck-kiss-nibble thing, since it worked so well on him.


It works pretty well on her! But not in an especially varied way. She returns the favour, and peppers him with kisses on his face and lips and jaw and neck and nibbles on his earlobe and...


Well, the last thing makes him go all melty, the particular reaction she was looking for earlier. "Oh kings ears too why ears muuurgh."



"For what it's worth," she whispers, "this is likely to be a you-thing." More nibbling.


"Special snowflake huh?" And then no words just happy little melty moans.


Melty moans!

(Her hands become busy again.)

...actually, how about she just push him gently against the bed (still nibbling) and then climbs on top of him?


Yesokayfinegood, he'll totally be pushed down look how melty he's being.

(Not quite too melty to grab her rear and squeeze.)


She giggles when he does that and then stops nibbling because they're positioned just so and she can fit something just so—


Oooh. Oooooh.

...He tugs at one of her wings wordlessly, attempting to get them to wrap around him. Snuggling with them was nice, this should be better.


That she can do. He hugs him and wraps her wings around him and she moves.


Terel moves too, if only by reflex. And gasps and groans and kisses Sadde and drags his fingernails over her skin and swears quietly.

What they did earlier helps but it will probably be over very soon unless Sadde has a way to delay.


Sadde doesn't want to delay, at least not yet. They're gonna have a lot of time together. She kisses him and nibbles on him and bites him and moans into his ears and eventually she's swearing, too, and—



'Explosion' is probably an appropriate term here. For Terel's voice, for what he's feeling, and for the event where they're connected.


"Fucking wow. Sex is better than I thought."


She has to contain her screams only a few seconds after he does, and as she settles down, she giggles. "We haven't scratched the surface, I'd say."


"Oooh. For now though... The mind is willing but the flesh is a little tired and possibly kinda sore."


She plants a peck on his cheek and rolls over to the side so she's in a more snuggly position. "I'm sorry. I should've thought of it earlier..."


"Hm? Thought of what, the strength thing?"




"The things I said earlier stand. You warned me, I have a defense crystal, you didn't actually hurt me very much."



"Do vankires sleep? Get tired at all? The thing where you can survive being in pieces, what happens to someone who's missing a toe or something and turns?"


"No to getting tired, turning heals all illnesses and most injuries but I'm not actually sure about whether it regenerates missing limbs, given that vampires usually don't and have to reattach them."


"How close to dead can someone be and survive turning? Bleeding out? Acute poisoning? Late stage cancer? Brain damage?"


"I think you only need to be alive enough for your heart to pump the venom through most of your body, or to get help doing that. Poisoning... depends on how fast, and bleeding out depends on how much blood you have left, but cancer and brain damage are yesses."

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