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Sparkles in Tileworld
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"You understood what I meant, that is the whole point of language, therefore it was a valid euphemism." He stands up and heads for the bathroom.


She stands up too and follows. "Mmhm, I'm just wondering why the euphemism, considering."


"The prudishness of society in general is kind of deep-seated? Three orgasms in two hours would be too much for a mere human like me. How's that."


She giggles. "I think you underestimate human stamina. Especially at your age."


"I'll update my estimate as events unfold, if you insist."

He doesn't need to undress, he already is. He turns a knob. The plumbing works in familiar ways though different implementation.


And she will spend a few seconds slightly transfixed by just how pretty he looks under the water.


Terel is cleaning. That is the object of getting a shower. His soap is not bubbly or anything either.


You can argue all day long about how unsexy anything Terel might or might not be doing is and Sadde's brain will still refuse to listen.

Eventually she will recover enough of her faculties to do things other than stare, like get herself clean, too.


He mostly dries off with a towel then walks around naked for a couple of minutes before finally dressing in some new clothes. He applies a little bit of potion to certain portions of the bedsheets and asks, "So. Computer 'languages'."


Languages! So here's a short overview of the basics of assembly, but that's hard for humans to read or use so operating systems! And then programming! This is the half-an-hour intro lecture so they know they're talking about the same things.


It's sort of difficult to parse without something to try it out on - sketching it out on paper helps. He interrupts to explain traditional golem design which works like some weird hybrid of assembly and simple non-object-oriented languages. Sort of. The key difference is that golems tend to have four-state bits instead of binary bits. A lot of the infrastructure is different.

He's coming back to that dynamic golem memory idea, starts quizzing Sadde on how computers handle memory addressing.


So she explains what she knows of that, which turns out to be quite a bit—eidetic memory's great for perusing textbooks and just knowing things.


"I will gladly nerd out on this for hours on end. Might want to go back to the library and look things up. Or to the golem workshops and start prototyping... Though I do have homework."


She wrinkles her nose. "Ew, homework."


"It's decently interesting and not entirely useless homework for the most part at least."


"I went to law school and let me tell you homework was not fun."


"I go to magic school. Even if golems are losing their appeal next to computers."


"Yes I am very envious of you," she giggles. Then she looks at her pile of clothes and sighs. "I should probably get more clothes."


"Probably yes, what's so sigh-inducing about that?"


"I don't have a lot of fun shopping for clothes, learning to colour match and be presentable and stuff was a chore and a half and I never did manage to make it intuitive."


"Nobody on campus will really care what you're dressed like as long as it's not flagrantly indecent. Talking to a tailor for professional robes might be a good idea if you want to be taken seriously as a seller of goods or services, but people will take you as Fair Folk which gets you a lot of leeway on presentation."


"I'll probably do that. I should probably find a place to, like, inhabit. Or, keep my possessions, more like."


"If 'storage room' will do, it will be a lot cheaper and faster and less contract-signy. Not that I'm saying you have to shut your stuff up in some warehouse."


"Well, my needs are 'a place to store stuff' and 'a place to occasionally clean up the debris I accumulate' and, less urgently, 'a place where I can reasonably expect to not be bothered by people I don't want to be bothered by.' That last one is solved by wings."


"Well. My apartment is probably not suitable for the first thing, as you can see it's fairly stuffed already."

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