elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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"...arrrrre you going to injure us so we can morph injured?"


<Yes, that is how practice morphing injured works.>


<You do not have to do any training but then you definitely will not be assigned any operations work.>


"It makes sense but under the condition of not having morphing tech to make recovering from injuries relatively trivial humans' social expectations include 'your allies don't injure you, except for medical purposes or maybe a mercy killing or something'."


<Thank you. That is useful to know. Injuries make it much harder and slower to demorph, mostly by impeding concentration; this is a problem that can be overcome with practice, such that someone practiced at morphing injured is likelier to be able to morph or demorph while dying. Is there a way to achieve that result without causing injury? If it were self-inflicted would that get around the taboo?>


"If it's a concentration thing that can probably be trained with noise and flashing lights and being noninjuriously prodded, at least to an extent. If it's a discomfort thing putting us in adverse weather conditions or underwater or something would probably work without the same psychological barrier. There is a separate taboo against self-inflicting injury outside a narrow class of painful cosmetic procedures, most of which inconveniently don't continue to hurt for very long."


Humans. <All right. We can do concentration and discomfort and that is probably all the morphing you will have energy for tomorrow anyway.>


<Exceptionally so. With endurance training someone can manage maybe four morphs in a day.>


"...we did each other and then the rabbit and I'm not tired. Andi, are you tired?"


"No? Maybe morphing each other doesn't count because it doesn't change us that much?"


<I would not expect that to affect it very much.>


"On the one hand I'm inclined to say that we should go ahead and try birds as soon as birds get here and see if we're tired, but maybe it'd hit us all of a sudden while we've still got feathers on?"


<You should not experience exhaustion so sudden and intense you cannot demorph, but it might not be wise to try, since no humans have ever been given morphing technology before.>


"On the other hand if we do have irregular morphing endurance that seems useful to know."


<Yes. You could try morphing each other again? The worst-case if you suddenly fall down too exhausted to morph back is that we have two hours to revive you and even if we fail you are no worse off than you were before Talik decided to interfere.>


"Well, there's some opportunity cost and it'd confuse Charlie, but yeah."


And she's her sister


And her sister is her.


And neither of them are exhausted?


"I don't even feel like sort of tired?"


Bella demorphs. "Me either."


Andi follows suit. "Four? Seriously?"


<With practice. Maybe it's your smaller starting mass?>

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