elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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<We have not caught any Earth birds yet. One of the teams I think is out changing that.>



And she demorphs and puts her clothes back on and the girls come out of the room.


And the Andalites run around in the grass, behaving very much like a herd of horses or deer or gazelles, until some of the other groups start to return.


<Talik,> he says as soon as he returns, <it appears that the Yeerks are conducting mining operations on the southern American continent. I am going to ask the humans about local knowledge, and I would like you to lead a team in an hour to go down there, learn more, and take advantage of opportunities for sabotage that do not make it apparent we are operating here.>


<Yeah, okay. We should talk first. Allow for an hour or so?>


<Certainly. This sunset.> And to the humans, <What language and what phenotype will be necessary to pass as human in the Andes mountain range of the southern continent?>


"Spanish, and darker than the morphs you've been using - black hair, at least slightly browner skin."


<We may stop by a city to acquire more humans to work from, can you recommend such a city? Will Spanish be a challenge to pronounce for people who have mastered English?>


"The phonemes are mostly pretty similar, the accent'll be different. Buenos Aires?"


<Is that also a good place to familiarize ourselves with the accent, could we be there and speak only English without attracting too much attention?>


"If you show up in your existing human morphs and speak English you'll look like tourists, which will not be a substantial fraction of the population but shouldn't be remarkable either. There's probably subtle accent variations between various locations but without looking at a map I can't guess if Buenos Aires is close enough to the place you have in mind to be a completely safe bet on the accent."


<Other things we should know if travelling to that region?>


"Currency'll be different, I don't know Argentina's off the top of my head. Can't vouch for the crime rate against random white tourists, have a plan for if someone mugs you."


<What would that involve, and what would be an appropriate non-attention-getting response...>


"Being threatened with some Earth weapon and told to give up your valuables. Hand over all the currency on you - or some nonridiculous amount, if you're carrying ridiculous amounts, but make it look like it's all of it, maybe carry it in an actual wallet especially if you can easily forge local IDs and such that would appear in a wallet - appear nonthreatening, wait for the mugger to leave."


<Thank you. Will occurrences of this type be investigated, would we need to interact with law enforcement...>


"I'm not sure how aggressive Buenos Aires's police force is about it. You could skip reporting it and muggers are liable to choose areas with few to no witnesses and there'd be no way for them to follow up."


<I may want you on standby to answer questions while they are there.>


"Sure, although bear in mind I only know tiny amounts of Spanish."


<We can translate the requests and your proposed responses, if it comes up.>


And then more of the teams land and there is a flurry of activity as the Andalites try to put together what they've learned. 



And then there is a very cold angry <What.> and predictably a tail at Talik's throat and a half hour of silent glaring (and, presumably, private conversation) before he steps back, hardly looking at all relaxed.


In spite of various assurances that they will not be executed for treason the girls are nervous.


No one is going to be executed for treason. He paces for a while. 


<All right,> he says when he returns, <I am delaying the operation to South America by a day so this can be settled first. Are you two interested in enlisting in this military unit conducting military operations against the Yeerks.>


"...are there potentially-non-obvious implications to 'military unit' that you're emphasizing it like that."

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