elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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<It would require that you obey orders, sometimes without enough context to evaluate whether they are good ones. There are occasions to disobey orders which I will give you the speech on. It would make you accountable under our laws for conduct during the war. It would mean you could be asked to do things without much prospect of surviving them. But I cannot send my men out with morph-capable advisors-slash-allies. If we are expanding our forces to include humans, they will have to be humans who are willing to work within our system and cognizant of the risks of this war.>


"...why exactly can't we be morph-capable advisors-slash-allies?"


<You can. I just cannot send you out on missions in that capacity.>


"In case we get captured or something? That's why we have the poison things, we waited till we had the poison things."


<No, because I am trying to balance about a hundred possible contingencies, many of which end with the destruction of this planet and everyone on it, and I cannot do that to a high enough standard of caution with people who might not be able or willing to follow instructions.>


"I can cope with high fatality risk. I assume it's strategically unwise to accept significant capture risk for any reason?"


"Can we get a summary or maybe a computer written translation or something of the laws we're accountable under?"


<I will have the computers write up a translation. The short version is that you do not -> sigh - <share Andalite technology or capabilities with other races, you do not withhold strategically relevant information from your commander, you can resign or refuse an operation but you cannot desert or disobey orders in the field with the exception that you are obliged to disobey illegal orders. Illegal orders - no torture, no operations targeting civilians - Yeerks do not count as civilians - no morphing a Yeerk and controlling someone unless you have their advance consent and someone else is present with the means to check ongoing consent and the means to stop you.


I mentioned that we may kill everyone on this planet if there's no way to save it. That is an illegal order. If I gave it you would not be bound to follow it; if I gave it and you did follow it, that would not be a defense in a court-martial. The Andalite High Command has on occasion found it to be justified. They will never pardon it. The logic is that if something is important enough to commit genocide over, it is important enough to go to prison for, and that laws like that had better not have exceptions.>


And a computer translation, which expands on these things and penalties and the court-martial process and which offenses may be prosecuted by a unit operating far from home without oversight. 


"Do Yeerk hosts count as civilians. Do Yeerk hosts whose Yeerks are soaking up rays at the moment count as civilians. What constitutes a means to check ongoing consent."


<Yeerk hosts do not count as civilians. We cannot allow Yeerks to benefit from their ability to hide behind human shields that way. An operation to specifically target currently-free Yeerk hosts would probably be enough to warrant a hearing. A general operation to take out the Pool, with associated collateral damage, would not. Ongoing consent - someone with a Leeran morph, or the Yeerk agreeing to come out every twenty minutes or so.>


"The Leeran morph part doesn't require consent?"


<Our laws do not contain provisions for obtaining consent to read minds, no. The Leerans were discovered only a few years ago and there has not yet been time to settle on them.>


"Where would we fall in the chain of command?"


<I have the command on Earth until help arrives; everyone here reports directly to me, though for missions someone will be designated in charge.>


"Anything else we should know?"


"Do we have to pass basic training or anything?"


Sigh. <I will be trying to figure out how much it can be condensed and how much is even applicable.>


"Bella can be a bunny without freaking out about being tasty," Andi mentions.


"...might be strategically relevant. Uh, I think we're in possibly pending results on the basic training question."


<All right. You certainly do not have to make a decision today; we can have an extended probationary period, even, as long as we are clear on what expectations apply during it. You do not get overwhelmed by morph instincts even when it is your first time in a new form?>


"Me and Andi acquired the same rabbit. She freaked out. I didn't notice anything to be freaked out by."


<That is very interesting. 



There would be a lot of strategic advantages to having human morphers, beyond the fact we need more numbers.>


"This was a factor, yeah."


<As long as the Yeerks remain confident no Andalite would ever do such a thing, we might be able to convince them that my father did find a way around the two-hour limit, or around morphing directly from one form to another.>

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