elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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"I've noticed that you do seem to have very precise mental clocks. We can tell the difference between twenty minutes and two hours but if we're going to push it we'll need someone to thoughtspeak us the time as needed or a way to get a look at a real clock."


<It should be possible to modify the morphing device to warn people when they are at the limits of their time. If recruiting humans turns out to be wise I will ask our engineers to look into that.>


"I assume we won't be able to get that upgrade?"


<That would not be possible with our current capabilities but is also the sort of thing the engineers could do. The problem is that we are very few in number, and many projects are urgent.>


<We are unlikely to be sending the two of you alone without Andalite support anyway.>


"Yeah. Still pretty important to have contingencies. Can you start to demorph and then back out of it as a check to see if it's reached the point where it's more difficult, does that work?"


<You can do that, though if you do that when it's already getting difficult you might be caught mid-morph.>


"Which might be worse, I suppose."


<Definitely.> Shudder.


"...so what's the story with the birds, you were gonna check on the birds."


<They are on their way back with a few species of birds which you can acquire.>


"Cool what kinds?"


<They are not familiar with the birds and do not have access to the computer to use to identify them yet.>


"They could send images, we could probably guess down to the family if not the species."


And so they are sent images. An owl, a few songbirds, a goose.


"Ooh, the owl'll be useful for any night flying. And geese for distance. The little ones are less specialized as far as I know."


<We looked up birds specialized for covering distance and for travel in tight spaces and so on, but not all of them were easily findable around here.>


"I'm impressed they got that many. I guess the fact that wild animals are scared of humans doesn't apply as much to Andalites."


<And we have better reflexes.>


"And stun weapons, that probably helps a ton."


<Tomorrow you will be taught how to use those.>


"What else are we gonna learn?"


<Morphing while injured or while under fire, flying under fire, generalized not panicking under fire - you are at some point going to need to kill human Controllers and it is likely that'll be hard for you but I cannot think of a way to make it easier through training...>

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