I have a crush on demon cam not the kind where you kiss them the kind where you torture them
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"Oh, snazzy," and she snaps her fingers at Cam and he patiently makes her a new outfit and some accessories. "I've been in what I'm wearing overnight, is there a bathroom I can duck into and change?" she asks.


"Absolutely!" He points it out and waits outside, quietly singing. When she is out of sight - but only when she's out of sight - people salute him if they pass by.



She comes out later with her hair neatened up and her Elfy outfit on; Cam has made it in just her size. It includes a hair scarf but it doesn't leave much to the imagination the way she's tied it on, her hair's loose past it.


He definitely notices this and definitely decides not to say anything and definitely tells everyone else to do the same. He keeps a bit more distance from her as they keep walking. "Would you like to see the gardens? We have flower gardens, water gardens and wild gardens."


"What's a wild garden?" Jim asks.


"It just has much more of a natural aesthetic to it, it's easy to get lost in and the trails are overgrown and everyone's quiet so it always seems empty."


"Huh. I'd like to see them, yeah."


The flower garden has an astounding variety of flowers blooming across six or seven natural habitats, from deserts to tropics to scrublands; the water garden has fountains and waterfalls and lush lake plants and hot, humid air and crickets chirping; the wild garden is, as promised, easy to get lost in, with lots of tiny trails that lead nowhere.


"This is all underground? It's amazing. How do you do it all without daeva?"


"A long time and a lot of very hard work! We were forced underground more than two hundred years ago, and we've been trying ever since then to make something healthy and home-like despite everything. Every person here has put in long hours on it. It'd be amazing to have daeva helping. I wonder why they can't seem to be summoned here."


"Don't know. Maybe you have to be in the regular human universe for it or something. I'm assuming this isn't that, somebody would've summoned a demon and found out by now if we had aliens."


"We don't know if we're alone in our universe but I suppose demons would let you check that. That's really awfully clever."


"People use demons for all kinds of things. Not me, mostly, I barely dabble in demons, I was just going to use this one to do some infrastructure stuff and it was going to take long enough that at least I'm not in trouble now that we're here..."


"You're welcome here for as long as it's necessary but it's certainly good that you have your own source of food and supplies, and options should the war suddenly turn against us."


"Yeah. Thanks, by the way, I appreciate it. Where're the orcs, is that a stop on the tour?"


"Absolutely! They're a couple floors back up, I wanted to show you the concert hall and libraries first."


"Sure. Won't be able to read your books but I bet they're gorgeous."


"We certainly try!" The concert hall has a ballet performance which they're allowed to blithely intrude on; the libraries are tall and towering and full of real paper books as well as elaborate screen setups. He shows her some of their writing system.

"This is two thousand years old, I wrote it back before we invented the printing press."


"Huh, it reminds me of Arabic, the way it looks."


"We'd love to learn the languages of your world if we can."


"I don't speak Arabic," says Jim. "Just know sort of what it looks like. Demon -"

A brief negotiation later Maglor has a novel in Arabic.


"Thank you! I'll pass this along to the people who can appreciate it. You wanted to see the orcs next?"


"Yeah, I wanna make sure they're okay, they were pretty freaked out and they had little babies and none of them looked healthy - like I wouldn't usually try to guess with aliens but you're all really nice looking -"


"It's a really awful story, actually, the leader of the forces on the orcish side of the war introduced a number of debilitating genetic defects in the course of engineering them to grow up faster so that they could be soldiers at younger ages."


"You've gotta be shitting me."

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