I have a crush on demon cam not the kind where you kiss them the kind where you torture them
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"We'd love to learn more about your world and about demons - which we've never encountered before - but I've told all our sociologists to hold off for now, in case there were things you wanted to cover first. We have a team of people working to learn about how you got here and whether we can send you back safely, and we have a tour lined up if you'd like to learn your way around."


"I'd like a tour, yeah. What do you want to know?"


"Let's start the tour this way! We'll head through some residential areas towards the city center, there's a lot more to point out once we get there. What is a demon? What can they do?"


"Demons are a kind of daeva, which means we can summon them. Or usually can, I tried to get a fairy to convince to translate with the orcs earlier but it didn't work. Demons are the kind that make things, you've seen it."


"Huh, do you have any idea why trying to get a fairy didn't work?" They walk past some elaborate trimmed hedges and flower gardens between residences. There's an elevator at the end of the hall; it's just a platform on the floor with partial walls, no ceiling.


"I don't know," says Jim. She stops to smell the flowers. "Generic circles are usually answered right away, it's not like I was trying for someone in particular and they were in the shower right then.
Hoo boy that's a heck of an elevator you could fall right out of that thing."


" - oh, I'm sorry, there are stairs we can take if you'd rather."


"Yeah, unless we're going up a lot of stories."


"We'll be going down four." The stairs are around a corner in a sculpture garden.


She trots down the stairs, Cam following. He trips and tumbles, managing to catch the banister before he crashes into Jim.


He sits up. He can't nod, but he can wag once, get up, and continue more carefully.

"It's fine," Jim says, "daeva are indestructible."


"Really? That's so fascinating! Do they do all the dangerous jobs in your world?"


"Sometimes, sure, but mostly they do magic and some translating."


"What magic do fairies and angels do?"


"Fairies move stuff, angels change it. So you see fairies in transit and power generation, angels in disposal and medicine."


"That sounds really nice. And are only demons dangerous?"

The stairs wind down into a space the size of a stadium, with live trees growing between little glass and wooden vendor stands. There's the impression that a choir is singing from the rafters, but on closer inspection it's just that everyone is singing while they shop and work; the place has extraordinary acoustics.


"No, the others can be, but they don't try as hard, you know? - do you guys rehearse this? Does this planet run on musical logic?"


"Oh, we coordinate it through the communications chips in our brains, though people end up knowing lots of songs by heart."


"Wow. Okay. That wasn't an idea I'd ever heard of for how to use brain chips but it's pretty keen."


"I really enjoy it! I love music. And the war is so difficult for people emotionally, you know, it's good to have things we all look forward to."


"Guess that makes sense. Whistling in the dark. It's gorgeous."


"Thank you, I'll tell them so." They wander past vendors. They're selling normal things like food and cell phones and clothes and jewelry and shoes, for the most part.


Jim stops to ooh over some of the things. "Oh, uh, you probably don't have, uh, demonproof IP law, do you..."


"We had no idea we might need it! Some of our allies with a particular interest in that sort of thing are starting to think about it now, but you can copy whatever you'd like in the meantime, enjoy yourself."

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