Cam in Materia
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Yes, she can. "I think I'll come with," he says.


"That's fine with me but you should avoid reading my mind while I'm explaining incarnates to them even though I'll be thinking really loudly, since I have to go well above Elf-safe transmission speeds to get through to Ainur."


"Okay! Perhaps I will stay out of your range."


"It's yea far -" She sends it.


And when they teleport he pops that far from Taniquetil and stands back.


Hello! Elspeth thinks at the Valar, and then she ramps way up: this is who she is and why she's here and how it has gone the other times she has done the thing are they all assembled is this an okay time?


They are not all assembled but can get all assembled.


She'll wait. For incarnate values of wait, which she will explain twice if it means assembly will happen quicker.


That might be a good idea.


Here is the it matters when things happen before or after other things even if the other things are "nothing", portion of the lecture!



The Valar will assemble faster!


Thank you Valar.

And once everybody is here she will get started on the boilerplate curriculum to provide context for the bits specific to this set. And she will take questions if they have questions!


They have questions. 


One question is what they should have done about Bella giving the prophecied disaster of the Eldar powerful magic and making him into a malcontent who ran away to the Outer Lands.


Well: they have noticed the thing they actually did did not help, right?


Yep! They did that really wrong!


So, she's kind of cheating here because she has met older Fëanáros and knows why they do the disaster thing (it is thus, thus is why), but armed with this better-than-prophecy information, trying to render him a non-disaster requires a rather thoroughly opposite approach and making sure he can get to the Outer Lands whenever he pleased would actually completely obviate the boats thing. This was actually predictable with information they had like "boats are for transportation". Since the Valar knew they couldn't avert prophecies and Boots could, trying to minimize her effect on the situation was kinda dumb on general principle; she was trying very hard to be cooperative about introducing the prosocial utility magic and not the setting things on fire kind.


She was. Wow, she experienced a lot of harm! This is distressing!


Yup. She was not confident in the Valar's ability to protect her - she still isn't even though she didn't die in Materia - and was pretty sure she was gonna die, likely horribly, or worse, and then she was pretty sure Fëanáro was going to get himself killed (cheaty extradimensional knowledge: That Dimension Kills Fëanáros, Empirically, So To Speak) trying to rescue her, and that he would try to rescue her was also predictable with information they had (he was very attached to her and a wizard and not nearly as inclined as Boots was to not do things just because someone said they were a bad idea).


They are going to cry about this for a while.


As long as they don't parole Melkor while they're crying. That's the other thing she's here about: they should really not parole Melkor.


But the alternative is eternal imprisonment and also all the orcs will be trapped forever by their oaths.


If they parole him because he says he'll be good he will totally be lying (here's how!) and then the default outcome is dead Trees and centuries of horrible war with no way to win it in sight during which the Valar mostly don't help (Ulmo sometimes helps a little good for you Ulmo). Elspeth's mama's alt would be happy to take all the orcs off their hands and give them free will but even if she were not available setting him loose to make and oathify millions more orcs would not improve on the situation. If eternal imprisonment is unsatisfactory and there is a way to thoroughly (THOROUGHLY) contain him for custodied transport to another dimension said alt would also be happy to issue the death penalty. Oh also Sauron's evil too where even is he these days?


They don't really know. He shows up at parties sometimes.


Well he's evil. Very evil. Sooooooo evil. (Those poor Maitimos.)


They'll try to arrest him next party! And keep a closer eye on him!

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